Jury DocuTiff 2016
Stratis Chatzielenoudas
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Stratis Chatzielenoudas was born in Athens in 1982. Studied drawing, painting and Electrical Engineering in Technological Institute of Larissa.

He has been working in film industry since 2006 as Assistant Director and Casting Director. He has directed commercials, short films, documentaries and TV shows.

His films have been nominated in many international film festivals. Most known for his films “Die Young” and ”Athens.Fail.Better.” which won “Best Experimental Film Award” at EUROSHORTS 2015. 

Mladen Vušurović
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Mladen Vušurović was born in Cetinje, Montenegro, around the middle of the XX  century, lives his live according to the challenges of modern civilization, has personal vision and stamina, dedication and hard work, rooted in family and nation, loves people more than animals, perceives his live as too short for each single goal he is to achieve.

For the last 9 years he has spent his time on his duties as being the Beldocs IDFF director , as well distributor of documentary films for the West Balkans.

Mithat Fagu
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Regjisor dhe piktor

Lindi në Tiranë më 4 shtator 1937. Kreu shkollën e lartë për aktor pranë Teatrit Kombëtar në Tiranë.

Në kinematografi filloi punën më 1959 si asistent regjisor dhe më vonë si regjisor i filmave dokumentarë. Ndër filmat dokumentarë të xhiruar prej tij janë:

Tregim për Naftëtarët (1965), Mali na Thërret (1966), Ata Çanë Malin (1970), Higjenë, higjenë (1971), Dhuruesit e Jetës dhe Kirurgjia në stenozën mitrale (1971), etj.

Në vitin 1968 xhiroi filmin e parë artistik Prita dhe vazhdoi përsëri me filmin dokumentar.

Noemi Schory
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Producer, Director


Independent producer and director since 1988, focusing on documentaries among them many international co - productions.

Produced among others "A Film Unfinished" directed by Yael Hersonski, won first prize at Hotdocs, editing prize at Sundance, script award at Silverdocs;

''God Forbid' a feature length documentary on the ultraorthodox society; 'The Inner Tour', an award winning feature doc screened at Sundance, the MOMA, Berlinale etc.;

"Israel's Generals", a five part series on Israeli leadership;

5 films for the documentary series “Tkuma” on the 50th anniversary of the State of Israel. 

Andreas Voigt
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Born in Eisleben, East- Germany, 1953. Childhood and youth in Dessau Studied Physics in Cracow, Poland, and Economy in Berlin, Germany. Worked as an editor and scriptwriter at the DEFA – Documentary Film Studio. Film studies at the University for Film and Television in Potsdam – Babelsberg.

From 1987 to 1991 director and scriptwriter at the DEFA – Documentary Film Studio in Berlin. After the film studio was closed – as a consequence of German unification – working as independent film director, scriptwriter and producer for television, cinema, private German companies and government organizations

Andrea Lodovichetti
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Andrea Lodovichetti was born in Italy in 1976, and currently lives between the US and Italy. Graduated in film directing at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (National School of Film - Italy), he has been assistant director for the academy award winning director Paolo Sorrentino for the movies "L'amico di famiglia" (aka "The family friend") and "Il divo" (aka "The celebrity"). Writer, producer and director, he won a consistent number of international awards in important film festivals all around the world. The internationally acclaimed short film “Sotto il mio giardino” (aka “Under my garden”) won over 30 prizes including the Italian golden globe and the Spike Lee’s babelgum film festival “Looking for a genius award” in Cannes.  He's the founder, together with Luca Caprara, of Lobecafilm, an independent production company based in Italy.


Ben Andoni
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Ben Andoni, born in 1966 in Tirana, studied Geography-History and worked firstly at the  Hydrometeorological Institute. Since 1996 his main profession has been as a journalist. He wrote for the newspaper “Koha Jone”, was Cultural Editor of the newspapers “Gazeta Shqiptare” and “Korrieri”, Chief Editor of the weekly magazine “ABC” and Deputy Chief Editor of the magazine “MAPO” and “Java”. He is currently editor in chief for national Cultural Supplement “Milosao”. He was also correspondent of the Belgrade news agency BETA and currently for ORF (Austrian National Radio Television). Ben Andoni translates from Serbian, Croatian and English.

Alda Bardhyli
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Alda Bardhyli is graduated in literature at Tirana University. Since 2000 she has been working as a culture journalist and later as an editor in widely read newspapers such as ‘Albania’, ‘Dita’ (Day) and currently ‘Shqip’ newspaper. She has given a great contribution in the publication field, first as director at "55" Publishing House and currently as editor-in-chief of ‘Saras’ Publishing House. She is the editor of a series of historical and literary books, the translator of Anna Goodbersen in Albanian language and currently she is leading a series of TV panels about discussing about literary issues. She has a great experience in television as a scriptwriter of "Top show" and ‘E diell’ programs, broadcast by Top Channel. Author of a series of lectures on the media, she is also the chief editor of “Saras” literary magazine which explores under a new perspective, the literary trend in the country and encourages the aesthetic debates in this field.

Jonida Hitoveizi
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Jonida Hitoveizi was born in 1-st of July 1985, in Tepelena. She studied Journalism in Tirana University, History and Philology Faculty. At the age of 20 she started working in different national newspapers covering at first Social, Culture and Actuality. Now days she is owner and editor in chief of, online media, focusing on culture, socio-culture analyses, heritage and history.

Nita Deda
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Nita Deda, born 1987, lives and works in Kosovo.

She is the Director of International and Short Film Festival DokuFest, the largest cultural event in Kosovo.

Previously she was the Head of Communication of the festival as well as programmed and managed the music program of the festival DokuNights.

Ira Kormannshaus
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Curator, translator, journalist

Originally from lovely Düsseldorf, lived in New York and Petersburg, but mostly Berlin. Studied social sciences, social work, sociology, Russian and film studies in Duisburg, Düsseldorf and Berlin.

Working with film festivals in Cologne, Oberhausen, Petersburg, Minsk, Philadelphia, Selb, Berlin, Wiesbaden as curator, organizer and translator for the past 27 years, specializing in Russian documentaries, member of AG DOK (Germany) and Guild of Non-Fiction Film (Russia), representative of German Documentaries in Eastern Europe.

Igor Prassel
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Igor Prassel was born in 1971 in the Slovenian coast town Koper-Capodistria.

He was a long time co-editor of the only Slovene comics magazine Stripburger.

From 1992 he is running a monthly animation film program at the Slovenian Cinematheque.

He is working as a freelance journalist, animation film programmer and board member for many different film and contemporary arts festivals in Slovenia and abroad. 


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