Festivali 2010
Awards 2010
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Best film of TIFF

Woman in temptation
Jiri Vejdelek/ Czech Republic/ 115’

For an empathic reshuffling of character’s fates, convincingly acted and skillfully directed. 

Per nje perzierje te jashtzakonshme te fateve te personazheve, luajtur bindshem, krijuar me nje regji mjeshterore.
Best Balkanik Film
The War is Over
Mitko Panov/Macedonia & Switzerland/35mm/92'/color/2009
For an intimate narrative that reflects a common immigrant experience in the age of globalization.
Per një tregim personal që pasqyron një përvojë të përbashkët të  emigrantëve në epokën e globalizimit. 

Best Director 

Mohammadreza Vatandoost 

When the lemon turns yellow /Iran/ 77’

The Iranian director Mohammadreza Vatandoost leaded us with a quasi perfect meticulousness along his story telling, without leaving a single detail out of control. 

Regjizori iranian na udhehoqi me precizitet pothuajse te perkryer ne rrefimin e tij duke mos lene asnje detaj pa kontroll te plote regjizorial.

Best Actor

Enver Petrovci
Donkeys of the border/ Jeton Ahmetaj/ 97’

Master of acting, Petrovci managed to give shape to a multidimensional character simultaneously loved and hated by the public. His acting is already transformed into a style.  
Petrovci me lojen e tij beri personazhin qe luajti shume dimensional, te dashur dhe te urryer nga shikuesi ne te njejten kohe. Tashme mund te themi se menyren e aktrimit te tij e shnderroi ne stil.

Best Actress
Sandrine Bonnaire
Queen to play/ Caroline Bottaro/ France&Germany/ 97’

Media Award
Sky&Sea/ Max Oh/ South Korea/ 105’

The movie focuses and brings to the screenplay a huge public sensitivity; the professionalism, an impressive articstic and cinematographic mean, high level acting, a serious production and postproduction. South-Corean cinema brings a high standard and competitive film in the international competition. 

 Trajton nje sensibilitet te madh publik nderkombetar dhe sjell ne fokus; profesionalizmin, mjet mbreselenes artistik, kinematografik, loje te nivelit te larte aktorial, prurja eshte nje ze serioz ne realizimin kinematografik dhe te postproduksionit. Kinemaja koreano-jugore sjell me kete film standart te larte dhe konkurues nderkombetare.

Public Award

Late Summer
Antonio Di Trapani& Marco De Angelis/ Italy/ 85’

Best Fiction Short Film

Death by suffocation/ Visar Morina/ Germany/ 28’

For the prize of the freedom, which often fights against the dehumanization of the individual and society, for the lack of communication in a new context.  

Per cmimin e endrres drejt lirise e cila ndeshet me dehumanizimin e individit dhe shoqerise, si dhe me komunikimin e munguar ne nje kontekst te ri.

Special mentioned
Beast/ Lars P. Arendt/ Denmark/ 15’

For the re-appearance of the Patricide act as a reaction against violence in emancipated societies.  

Per rishfaqjen e aktit te Patricidit si reagim ndaj dhunes ne shoqerite e emancipuara.

Best Animation Short Film

Venus de Rabo/ Francois Bertin/ France/ 10’

For portraying a modern artist through the evocation of the figure of the rebel pre-historical-artist. A perfect illustration of Schielean (Egon Schiele). Art can never be a modern one, art comes back to the origin. 
Per portretizimin e artistit modern nepermjet evokimit te figures se artistit rebel prehisotrik. Nje ilustrim perfekt I konceptit Schile-an (Egon Schiele). Arti nuk mund te jete kurre modern , ai kthehet perjetesisht ne origjine.

Best Documentary Short Film

Out of love/ Birgitte Strærmose/ Denmark/ 29’

For dealing with traumatic effects in the “Newborn” country

Per trajtimin e traumave pas lufte ne vendin e quajtur “NEW BORN”
Best Experimental Short Film

Family Portret/ Minna Korhonen/ Finland/ 4’

For a broken family structure, where greed prevails. 

Per prishjen e struktures se familjes, ku makuteria si faktor dominant.

Special mentioned

Reflected life/ Gentian Kurti/ Albania/ 6’

For the overlapping of the anamorphic perception of the reality against the eukudian one through instruments of the perfect logics.  

Per mbivendosjen e perceptimit anamorfik te realitetit ndaj atij eukudian nepermjet instrumenteve te logjikes perfekte.

Best Albanian Movie 

Tri dritare/ Faton Bajraktari/ Kosovo/ 29’

For the courage the director had to deal with a sensitive and difficult subject. 

Guximi qe ka patur regjizori per te trajtuar nje teme te veshtire dhe shume te ndjeshme.
Awards 2010
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Best film of TIFF

Woman in temptation
Jiri Vejdelek/ Czech Republic/ 115’

For an empathic reshuffling of character’s fates, convincingly acted and skillfully directed.

Per nje perzierje te jashtzakonshme te fateve te personazheve, luajtur bindshem, krijuar me nje regji mjeshterore.
Best Balkanik Film
The War is Over
Mitko Panov/Macedonia & Switzerland/35mm/92'/color/2009
For an intimate narrative that reflects a common immigrant experience in the age of globalization.
Per një tregim personal që pasqyron një përvojë të përbashkët të  emigrantëve në epokën e globalizimit. 

Best Director

Mohammadreza Vatandoost

When the lemon turns yellow /Iran/ 77’

The Iranian director Mohammadreza Vatandoost leaded us with a quasi perfect meticulousness along his story telling, without leaving a single detail out of control.

Regjizori iranian na udhehoqi me precizitet pothuajse te perkryer ne rrefimin e tij duke mos lene asnje detaj pa kontroll te plote regjizorial.

Best Actor

Enver Petrovci
Donkeys of the border/ Jeton Ahmetaj/ 97’

Master of acting, Petrovci managed to give shape to a multidimensional character simultaneously loved and hated by the public. His acting is already transformed into a style. 
Petrovci me lojen e tij beri personazhin qe luajti shume dimensional, te dashur dhe te urryer nga shikuesi ne te njejten kohe. Tashme mund te themi se menyren e aktrimit te tij e shnderroi ne stil.

Best Actress
Sandrine Bonnaire
Queen to play/ Caroline Bottaro/ France&Germany/ 97’

Media Award
Sky&Sea/ Max Oh/ South Korea/ 105’

The movie focuses and brings to the screenplay a huge public sensitivity; the professionalism, an impressive articstic and cinematographic mean, high level acting, a serious production and postproduction. South-Corean cinema brings a high standard and competitive film in the international competition.

 Trajton nje sensibilitet te madh publik nderkombetar dhe sjell ne fokus; profesionalizmin, mjet mbreselenes artistik, kinematografik, loje te nivelit te larte aktorial, prurja eshte nje ze serioz ne realizimin kinematografik dhe te postproduksionit. Kinemaja koreano-jugore sjell me kete film standart te larte dhe konkurues nderkombetare.

Public Award

Late Summer
Antonio Di Trapani& Marco De Angelis/ Italy/ 85’

Best Fiction Short Film

Death by suffocation/ Visar Morina/ Germany/ 28’

For the prize of the freedom, which often fights against the dehumanization of the individual and society, for the lack of communication in a new context. 

Per cmimin e endrres drejt lirise e cila ndeshet me dehumanizimin e individit dhe shoqerise, si dhe me komunikimin e munguar ne nje kontekst te ri.

Special mentioned
Beast/ Lars P. Arendt/ Denmark/ 15’

For the re-appearance of the Patricide act as a reaction against violence in emancipated societies. 

Per rishfaqjen e aktit te Patricidit si reagim ndaj dhunes ne shoqerite e emancipuara.

Best Animation Short Film

Venus de Rabo/ Francois Bertin/ France/ 10’

For portraying a modern artist through the evocation of the figure of the rebel pre-historical-artist. A perfect illustration of Schielean (Egon Schiele). Art can never be a modern one, art comes back to the origin.
Per portretizimin e artistit modern nepermjet evokimit te figures se artistit rebel prehisotrik. Nje ilustrim perfekt I konceptit Schile-an (Egon Schiele). Arti nuk mund te jete kurre modern , ai kthehet perjetesisht ne origjine.

Best Documentary Short Film

Out of love/ Birgitte Strærmose/ Denmark/ 29’

For dealing with traumatic effects in the “Newborn” country

Per trajtimin e traumave pas lufte ne vendin e quajtur “NEW BORN”
Best Experimental Short Film

Family Portret/ Minna Korhonen/ Finland/ 4’

For a broken family structure, where greed prevails.

Per prishjen e struktures se familjes, ku makuteria si faktor dominant.

Special mentioned

Reflected life/ Gentian Kurti/ Albania/ 6’

For the overlapping of the anamorphic perception of the reality against the eukudian one through instruments of the perfect logics. 

Per mbivendosjen e perceptimit anamorfik te realitetit ndaj atij eukudian nepermjet instrumenteve te logjikes perfekte.

Best Albanian Movie

Tri dritare/ Faton Bajraktari/ Kosovo/ 29’

For the courage the director had to deal with a sensitive and difficult subject.

Guximi qe ka patur regjizori per te trajtuar nje teme te veshtire dhe shume te ndjeshme.

The Balkans’ Forum of Young Filmmakers, an initiative of Tirana International Film Festival
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The Balkans’ Forum of Young Filmmakers, an initiative of Tirana International Film Festival, will be held on Thursday, at 17.00 pm.  

The event will take place in the premises of the Center of Culture, Media and Publications of the Ministry of Defence.  

The Forum is supported by the Swiss Cultural Programme in the Western Balkans, thus showing the sensitivity of this organisation for cinema events addressed to the young generation.   The Swiss Cultural Programme has constantly supported Tirana international Film Festival throughout its eight editions.

The Forum will gather young filmmakers from the Western Balkan countries in a bid to share experiences and their know how in the filmmaking process.

Students of public and private film schools of Tirana will attend the event as well.




Ne kuadrin e Tirana International Film Festival organizohet ne sallen e konferencave te shtypit  te QKMBM ( Qendra e Kultures, Mediave dhe Botimeve te Mbrojtjes) diten e enjte ora 17:30 mbledhja e Forumit te Kineasteve te Rinj Ballkanike.

Ky forum mbështetet nga SCP Albania në Tiranë e cila ka ndjekur TIFF-in gjatë gjithë historisë duke u përpjekur me sensibilitetin karakteristik t'i qëndrojë pranë nismave me karakter kinematografik me një vemendje të vecante drejt moshës rinore.

Jane të ftuar kineastë të rinj nga këto vende të cilët do të ballafaqojnë eksperiencat e tyre me njëri tjetrin dhe do t'u përgjigjen pyetjeve të audicionit per temat e lartpermëndura.

Do të jenë të ftuar gjithashtu studentet e shkollave publike dhe private te kinematografisë në Tiranë.




TIFF 8-th edition - LIVE
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Adrian Paci

Curator Fani Zguro

Special projects

Tirana Art Center in collaboration with

Tirana International Film Festival TIFF


“Electric Blue” is the title of the new video work created by Adrian Paci especially for the Kunsthaus exhibition. The title is that of an erotic TV series on what had been Yugoslavia’s state channel, one of the few entertainments available under communism. This work, produced in collaboration with the Kunsthaus Graz, is situated in Paci’s hometown of Shkoder (Albania). The artist had already used that location for the production of his video “Turn On”, which was shown at the 2005 Venice Biennale and marked Adrian Paci’s international breakthrough. In “Electric Blue” Paci tells the story of a man who attempts to secure the economic survival of his family in the chaotic collapsing state that was Albania in the 1990s. But the video, approximately 15 minutes in length, is far more than a historical document. It grapples with primordial questions of humanity: with failure and the impact of war and societal rupture on humans; with the yearning for an escape from poverty; with love, sex and passion. In this video, the artist manages to create striking and impressive images of the ‘Condition humaine’ that imprint themselves on the viewer’s memory.


Adrian Paci born 1969 in Shkodra. Lives and works in Milan. He has exhibited also at  Tate Modern London,  Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, The Center for Contemporary Art Tel Aviv, Bonniers Konsthall Stockholm, MoMA PS1 New York City, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía MNCARS Madrid, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Center for Contemporary Art Rotterdam, Tirana Biennial, Biennale de Lyon, Bienal de La Habana,  Biennale of Sydney, La Biennale di Venezia, Manifesta European Biennial of Contemporary Art Ljubljana etc.

Adrian Paci, Still: Electric Blue, 2010, HD video, colour and sound, ca 15’30’’, © 2010 Adrian Paci.


Goodbye how are you
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This unique documentary draws on dark-humored aphorisms from the last 40 years of Serbian history for its narrative voiceover: a nation's oral tradition of sardonic response to conflict and corruption. The beautifully selected and wittily juxtaposed images, meanwhile, form an insightful, compelling portrait of daily existence in all its banalities, extremes and ironies. With shades of Patrick Keiller and Chris Marker, this collage of ideas is both thought-provoking and darkly comic.

Ky dokumentar unik shfaq një euforizëm të errët-humoristik nga historia Serbe e 40 viteve të fundit për tregimin e saj narrativ: tradita e përgjigjeve ironike për konfliktin dhe korrupsionin sipas gojëdhënave. Figurat janë zgjedhur bukur dhe me mendjemprehtësi, ndërsa, nga një këndvështrim  i brendshëm, portreti bindës i egzistencës të së përditshmes dhe të gjitha banalitetet e saj, janë ekstremitetet dhe ironitë. Me hijen e Patrik Keiller dhe Kris Marker, këto kolazhe idesh janë mendime provokuese dhe egërsi komike.


Boris Mitic 

Boris Mitic was born in Leskovac, southern Serbia. He worked as professional journalist when he decided to buy a camera and make his first film “Pretty Dyana” on his home computer.

- Tre filmat e tij ( PRETTY DYANA (2003) UNMIK TITANIK (2004) dhe Goodbye, How are you? (2009) kane konkuruar ne 160+ festivale, fituar 20 cmime dhe jane shfaqur ne 25 international TV channels.

    -  Masterclass per Dokumentarin ne Akademine e Arteve: "WHAT THEY DON'T TEACH YOU IN FILM SCHOOL". Lektor ne shkolla filmi ne Europe, Kine, USA dhe Lindjen e Mesme.

     - Prezanton projektin e tij te ri filmik 5-vjecar NOTHING. 

Operacioni Zjarri
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Llazi Serbo has started his artistic carrier with the drama “Njolla te Murme”, meanwhile the number of his roles on the stage and television will arrive at 100. Through the roles he played it can be distinguished the role of commandant at the German film “Nusja dhe Shtetrrethimi”. But memorable for the Albanian public will remain the figure of Dalan, in the  “Yjet e Netëve të Gjata” film, the role of Kreshnik Martinit in the film “Operacioni i zjarrit” etc., for his precious contribute in the Albanian cinematography and culture. Llazi Serbo was credited with the title "Meritorious Artist." A year ago, in September 2009, Regional Council of Korca awarded him with the Honor of the District.“

Llazi Serbo e ka nisur karrieren e tij artistike me dramen “Njolla te Murme”, ndërkohë qe do te arrinte ne 100 numri i roleve në skenën e teatrit dhe në ekran. Ndër personazhet që ka lozur vecohet roli i komandantit gjerman ne filmin “Nusja dhe Shtetrrethimi”. Por të paharrueshme në kujtesen e publikut shqipetar do të mbetet dhe figura e Dalanit, ne filmin “Yjet e Netëve të Gjata”, roli i Kreshnik Martinit në filmin “Operacioni i zjarrit”etj. Për kontributin e tij të cmuar në kinematografi dhe kulturën shqiptare, Llazi Serbo u vlerësua me titullin “Artist i Merituar”. Një vit më parë, shtator 2009, Këshilli i Qarkut të Korcës i dha çmimin “Nderi i Qarkut”
I even met happy gypsies
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Heroi antik-Bekim Fehmiu nga Rade Sherbedzhija  

It is said that there are no big actors and actress. It is said that it is fair enough to say that they are big actors and special in their immensity. So I, this time, having as a view to support the brotherhood of our colossus who left prematurely, will write: It past away one of the greatest artists we've had ... Bekim Fehmiu . Legend. Myth. Model
He did not even do the half of what he was able to do. It is not that had no time, but because he did not want to. And, meanwhile he did more than everyone in these spaces.  Calmly.  With maturity. Dignified. There are people - the wise ones, that deserves the face at the very youth.  One of them, surely, is Bekim Fehmiu.

Thonë se nuk ka aktorë dhe aktore shumë të mëdhenj. Thonë se është më e drejtë të thuhet se ka aktorë të mëdhenj dhe të veçantë në madhështinë e tyre. Kështu që unë, kësaj here, duke pasur si synim që të mbështes vëllazërinë e kolosëve tanë që janë larguar para kohe, do të shkruaj: U largua një nga artistët më të mëdhenj që kemi pasur... Bekim Fehmiu. Legjendë. Mit. Model...
Nuk bëri as gjysmën e asaj që mund të bënte. Jo se s’pati kohë, por sepse nuk deshi. Dhe, ndërkohë, bëri më shumë sesa gjithkush tjetër në këto hapësira. Me qetësi. Me pjekuri. Me dinjitet. Ekzistojnë njerëz – të urtët, që fytyrën e vet e meritojnë qysh në rini. Një nga këta, me siguri, është Bekim Fehmiu.


Bekim Fehmiu

Bekim Fehmiu appeared in 41 films between 1953 and 1998. Fehmiu was the first Albanian theater and film actor who acted in theaters and movies all over Yugoslavia, and he acted in a whole series of roles that changed the history of the Cinema of Yugoslavia and left a mark in the artistic developments abroad.

His roles included:
Roj (Swarm) 1966
Hot Years, (Tople godine) 1966
I Even Met Happy Gypsies (Skupljaci perja),1966
The Odyssey aka The Adventures of Ulysses, 1968
The Adventurers, 1970
The Deserter 1971
The Last Snows of Spring (1973)
Special Education (Specijalno vaspitanje),1977
Black Sunday, 1977

The dead mother
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Ismael Lopez (Elejaldo), a petty criminal, shoots and kills a painting restorer during a bungled burglary, and shoots her daughter as well. Twenty years later, and the daughter Leire (Alvarez) has been left mute and with a mental age of a child, spending most of her time in a mental home. A chance meeting between Leire and Ismael, who now works in a bar, leads Ismael to think that she still ight be able to recognise him, and turn him in to the police. With the help of his girlfriend Maite (Lio), he kidnaps Leire and chains her to the bed in his house. He is unable to kill her, however, and instead asks the mental home for a ransom for her return. Whilst a prisoner, though, Leire and Ismael grow closer and closer through his attempts to make her laugh and their mutual love for chocolate.

Ismael Lopez (Elejaldo), një kriminel i vogël, qëllon dhe vret një restauruese pikturash gjatë një vjedhje të dështuar, madje i qëllon edhe të bijës. Njëzet vjet më vonë, vajza ngeli memece dhe me mendjen e një fëmije, duke kaluar kohën më të madhe në një çmendinë. Një takim i rastësishëm midis Leire dhe Ismael, i cili tani punon në një bar, e bën Ismaelin të mendojë që ajo mund ta njohë atë, dhe ta denoncojë në polici. Me ndihmën e të dashurës së tij Maite (Lio), ai e rrëmben Leiren  dhe e lidh atë në krevatin e tij në shtëpi. Ai nuk mund ta vrasë atë, gjithsesi, pyet çmendinën për pagesën për rikthimin e saj. Edhe pse të burgosur, ndërmjet Leire dhe Ismael rritet pak e nga pak përpjekja e tij për ta bërë atë të qeshë dhe dëshira e tyre e përbashkët për çokollatën.


Juanma Bajo Ulloa was born in Vitoria, a small town in northern Spain where he has set most of his movies. At 14 he started making short movies in super-8 with his younger brother Eduardo.

      “AIRBAG”  (1997) 120´ 35mm
      - Premios “GOYA” (1997):     
      - Festival Internacional de Cine
      -Fantástico de Montreal: Premio del Público (Canadá 1998)
      - Nominada a los “FELIX”, Premios del Cine Europeo (Berlín 1998)

      “LA MADRE MUERTA” (1993) 107´ 35 mm.
       - Mejor Director en The World Film Festival of Montreal (Canadá 1993).
      - Festival Internacional de Cine de Estocolmo (Suecia 1993):
        Premio de la Crítica a la Mejor Película
      - Festival Internacional de Cine de Puerto Rico (1993):
        Premio del Público; Premio de la Crítica Internacional a la Mejor Película
      - Premio del Público: Mejor Película en el Cinema Mediterrane en Montpelier (Francia 1994).
      - 50 Mostra Internacional de Venecia (Italia 1993)

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Nerdy momma's boy Juantxo is engaged to be married. Dragged to a party by his friends Konradin and Paco, he loses the wedding ring inside the body of a prostitute. The ring is found later by Villambrosa, a Mafioso who owns the whorehouses along the north coast. Souza, his rival, instructs his sidekick Fatima to check things out.

Djali i nënës së Nerdit, Juantxo është fejuar dhe do martohet. I ftuar nga shokët e tij Konradin dhe Paço, ai humb unazën e martesës në trupin e një të përdale. Unaza gjendet nga Villambroza, një mafioz i cili është pronar i shtëpisë publike përgjatë bregdetit të veriut. Souza, rivali i tij, i jep urdhër ndihmësit të tij Fatimës të kontrollojë sesi janë gjërat.


Juanma Bajo Ulloa was born in Vitoria, a small town in northern Spain where he has set most of his movies. At 14 he started making short movies in super-8 with his younger brother Eduardo.

      “AIRBAG”  (1997) 120´ 35mm
      - Premios “GOYA” (1997):     
      - Festival Internacional de Cine
      -Fantástico de Montreal: Premio del Público (Canadá 1998)
      - Nominada a los “FELIX”, Premios del Cine Europeo (Berlín 1998)

      “LA MADRE MUERTA” (1993) 107´ 35 mm.
       - Mejor Director en The World Film Festival of Montreal (Canadá 1993).
      - Festival Internacional de Cine de Estocolmo (Suecia 1993):
        Premio de la Crítica a la Mejor Película
      - Festival Internacional de Cine de Puerto Rico (1993):
        Premio del Público; Premio de la Crítica Internacional a la Mejor Película
      - Premio del Público: Mejor Película en el Cinema Mediterrane en Montpelier (Francia 1994).
      - 50 Mostra Internacional de Venecia (Italia 1993)

You should make movies
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The winner as best public in the first edition of TIFF, 2003.
This was the last film that Claude Chabrol showed up his presence as an actor.


Jean Philippe Laroche (Producer)

Ti duhet të bësh filma
Michel Vereecke
2002/Belgium/ 35mm/ 8'/ Fiction/ Color

Claude Chabrol: the free child
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Claude Chabrol, children free unmasks the man behind the private public man....

Claude Chabrol një fëmijë i lirë i cili i çjerr maskën njërëzimit, i fshehur pas krahëve të një personi publik...


Jean Bernard  Thomasson (director)
Engineer of the sound, he had collaborated with Chabrol in 13 films and had realized the documentary film.

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