- 1. Homage/ErmelaTeli/ 13’20’/Albania
- 2. Stretching/ Francois Vogel/ 4’30’’/France
- 3. Kaizer/ DritanMesareja/ 3’36’’/Albania
- 4. Family Portrait/ MinnaKorhonen/ 3’37’’/Finland
- 5. Wardisease/ Marie Magescas/ 8’26’’/France
- 6. Against cinema/ Alberto Cabrera Bernal/ 9’/Spain
- 7. Exhibition 19/ AlaitzArenzana& Maria Ibarretxe/ 9’/Spain
- 8. It is not much what we inherited from our grandfather/ Fernando Dominguez/ 15’/Argentina
- 9. Reflected life/ Gentian Kurti/ 5’16’’/Albania
- 1. 24 Carat/ Stefan Capaliku/ 30’/Albania
- 2. Pompeian Manuscripts/ Marcos Nine Bua/ 17’/Spain
- 3. Be water my friend/ Antonio Martino/ 14’20’’/Italy
- 4. Before war/ Jared Katsiane/ 6’/USA
- 5. Doza/ ErionKovaci/17’/Greece
- 6. Basement guerilla/ Monica Lazurean-Gorgan/ 16’/Romania
- 7. Porte a porte/ Delphine Duquesne/ 23’/Belgium
- 8. Everything's maybe/ AsierUrbieta/ 19’/Spain
- 9. Weavers/ Federica Romeo/ 26’/Spain
- 10. Walls/Hayoun Kwon/ 18’/France
- 11. Formol/ Noelia Rodriguez Deza/ 15’/Spain
- 12. Mushrooms of Concrete/MartijnPayens/ 24’/Belgium
- 13. Under Construction/Zhenchen Liu/ 10’/France
- 1. Employee of the month/ Clement Cornu/12’40’’/France
- 2. Venus de Rabo/ Francois Bertin/9’42’’/France
- 3. You're out/ Max Liebich/6’/Austria
- 4. Brother Benoit/ Michel Dufourd/ 8’/ Schweiz
- 5. The obese policeman/ NaimBerisha/ 2’/Kosova
- 6. Birthday/JariVaara/12’/Finland
- 7. The willow and the pumpkin/ Bertrand Shijaku/ 11’/Albania
- 8. Birdboy/ Pedro Riviero/ 12’/Spain
- 1. Goodbye doll/ Hugo Sanz/15’/ Spain
- 2. Ciao barbies/ ClaireAllanic/ 17’/France
- 3. Sad day/ Nicolas Roy/ 14’30’’Canada
- 4. The war/ Paolo Sassanelli/ 16’/Italy
- 5. The game/ Adriano Giannini/16’/Italy
- 6. Oyan/EsmaelMonsef/ 15’/Iran
- 7. The tape/Jorge M. Rodrigo/19’/Spain
- 8. The runaway/Victor Carrey/ 10’/ Spain
- 9. The advantage of the hit man/Luis Moreno Berndardo/7’27’’/Spain
- 10. The shelter/Antoine Duquesne/12’/Belgium
- 11. Buskers/Andrew Ponton/11’2’’/Scotland
- 12. Stanka goes home/Maya Vitkova/15’/ Bulgary
- 13. The thing you drew/Kerri Davenport-Burton/7’40’’/UK
- 14. Part of me/MihaalDanziger/11’4’’/UK
- 15. Mozart/BekimGuri/28’/Kosovo
- 16. As if it were easy/Gabriele Lippolis/24’4’’/Italy
- 17. God’s hand/Adolf El Assal/15’/Luxembourg
- 18. Son of the bitch/AstritHykaj/8’5’’/Albania
- 19. My name next to yours/Javier Velasco/15’/Spain
- 20. I didn’t know who I was/Santiago Vitteri Vargas/24’/Spain
- 21. Hotel 66/Anthony Chen/15’/Singapore
- 22. My brother/BurimBaftiu/18’/Kosovo
- 23. Death by suffocation/VisarMorina/28’/Germany
- 24. Martha/Raphael Dethier/27’/Belgium
- 25. The way I am/Daniele Santonicola/20’/Italy
- 26. One: Nil/Johnatan Geva/18’/Israel
- 27. Vlog/Mor Kaplansky&YarivBarel/9’/Israel
- 28. Artalde/AsierAltuna/8’/Spain
- 29. The big race/Kote Camacho/7’/Spain
- 30. Bedfellows/Pierre Stefanos/15’20’/USA
- 31. The Order of Things/Cesar& Jose Esteban Alenda/19’/Spain
- 32. My other half/ Beatriz Sanchis/18’/Spain
- 33. Dolls factory/Ainhoa Menendez/11’/Spain
- 34. Fatum/ PabloMillan/9’/Spain
- 35. Tuesday morning/Cheli Sanchez/ 8’/Spain
- 36. Beast/ Lars P. Arendt/15’/Denmark
- 37. The wall/GazmendNela/20’/Kosovo
- 38. Light/ Andre Schreuders/14’06’’/Netherlands
- 39. Out of love/BirgitteStærmose/29’/Denmark
- 40. Mendimet e gungaces/EdvinZarka/ 9’11’’/Albania
- 41. DIE NORM / Giovanni Truppa / Italia
- 1. Sky and sea/ Dal- Kyun OH/105’/ South Korea
- 2. The loners/ RenenSchorr/92’/ Israel
- 3. Europolis/ Cornel Gheorghita/100’/Romania
- 4. Footsteps in the sand/ IvailoHristov/ 92’/ Bulgary
- 5. Woman in temptation/ JiříVejdělek/115’/Czech Republic
- 6. When the lemons turned yellow/ MohammadrezaVatandoust/ 77’/ Iran
- 7. Late summer/ Antonio Di Trapani&Marco De Angelis/85’/ Italy
- 8. 9:06/ Igor Sterk / 71’/ Slovenia
- 9. Donkeys of the border/JetonAhmetaj/ 97’/ Kosovo
- 10. Queen to play/ Caroline Bottaro/ 97’/ France& Germany
- 11. The War is Over/MitkoPanov/92’/Macedonia/Switzerland
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