International Competition Jury (SHORT)
Albert Malltezi
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Born on April 1965
Finish Fine Arts Academy, Tirane. Works as film director at Kino Studio “Shqiperia e re”. Professor at Fine Arts Academy, Tirane. Film director at TOP CHANNEL, VGA, DIGITALB Studio
Participant in many Festivals in Albania, France, Greece, Brazil (candidate for public award), Portugal, Turkey, and Germany broadcasted and sold in Suiss Remond TV, Switzerland. Realization of many spots TV like Digitalb, Loricaffe, also many other known companies. Film Director of many programs in Top Channel like “Goodmorning Albania”,News , “Studio Sport”,”Poker”.

Lindi në Prill 1965, mbaron Akademine e arteve Tirane. Punon ne Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re” si regjisor. Pedagog i jashtem prane Akademise se Arteve Tirane, regjisor ne TOP CHANNEL,VGA Studio,DIGITALB. Pjesemarres ne shume festivale ne Shqiperi, France, Greqi, Brazil (kandidat per cmim  publiku), Portugali, Turqi, Gjermani.
Realizime te qindra spoteve TV. Si te Digitalb,Loricaffe si dhe shume firmave te njohura te vendit. Regjisor i shume emisioneve ne Top Channel si “Goodmorning Albania”,Lajmeve,Emisionet “Studio Sport”,”Poker”.
Richard Edson
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Born January 1, 1954 is an American actor and musician. Edson was born in New Rochelle, New York. From 1981 to 1982, he was Sonic Youth's original drummer and also played drums for Konk at the same time. After the release of Sonic Youth's self-titled debut EP, Edson left Sonic Youth to play with Konk full-time.[1] Edson also played horns with the San Francisco band The Offs on the group's eponymous 1984 album. After his music career ended Edson has worked as an actor appearing in over 35 movies.

I lindur në 1 janar të vitit  1945 është një aktor amerikan dhe një muzikant. Edson ka lindur në New Rochelle, New York. Nga viti 1981 deri në vitin 1982 ai ishte daullexhiu I bandës muzikore rinore dhe në të njëjtën kohë I binte daulles për Konk. Pas largimit  nga banda e të rinjëve I vetquajtur EP, Edson e la këtë band për të luajtur me kohë të plotë më Konk. Edson gjithashtu ka luajtur në harqe me bandën e San Francisco band The Off të albumit të vitit 1984. Pas mbarimit të karrierës së tij muzikore Edson ka punuar si aktor duke u shfaqur në 35 filma.
Andamion Murataj
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Andamion Murataj  is a Albanian cinematographer who has worked as a script writer and filmmaker in New York for the last twelve years. He is a graduate of the American University (Washington, DC), and has a master's degree of Fine Arts in Film. As an cinematographer he has shot many documentaries and films in for PBS

Ështe kineast shqiptar i cili ka punuar si skenarist dhe kineast ne New York gjate 12- vjeteve te fundit. Ai eshte diplomuar ne Universitetin Amerikan   (Washington, DC dhe ka marre nje Master ne Artet e Bukura ne Film. Si kineast ai ka xhirur shume filma dhe dokumentare midis te cileve dhe dokumentarin PBS Children Will Listen

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