Graduate at Albanian Ecomomic University, and Albanian University of Law. President of the “Albanian Producers and Filmmakers Association”. Member of European Film Academy. Selected by European Film Promotion, “Producers on the Move - 2011” at the Cannes International Film Festival 2011
In 2018, he will produce the movie “My Lake” by Gjergj Xhuvani, and “Zana” by Antoneta Kastrati. In 2016
“Distant Angels” by Gjergj Xhuvani. In 2015 “Alarm für Cobra 11” by Nico Zavelberg. In 2014 “Amsterdam Express” by Fatmir Koci and “Last wish” by Namik Ajazi . In 2012 “Der Albaner” by Johannes Naber. In 2010 “Honeymoons” by Goran Paskaljevic. In 2009
“Alive” by Artan Minarolli, and “Lenin and Us” by Saimir Kumbaro.
Television movie in 2012 “In search of!”(tv-mini
5 series) by Gjergj Xhuvani and in 2011 tv sitcom
“Komuna e Parisit” (20 series) by Altin Basha. Documentary, “Rivers eyes” (2017) (8 series), “Alone” (2017) (8 series), “Humanisti” (2015), “Big attacks” (2015) (6 series), “In Front of” (2014) (20 series)
“Theater” (2012).
Short movies:
“Bela”, “Sarina”, “24 Hours”, “Doors, doors”, “The Lession”, “The Passion”, “When the death turn the road”, “Lucky letters”, “Albania–Italy”, “Family Market”, “Heat”, “Lost Days” “A night of bright weather”, “Children Jobs”, “The Farewell Waltz”, “Horoscopes”, “Money”, “Hospital window, “Soldiers”, “Two Friends”, etc |