News 2017
AWARDS 15th edition TIFF 2017
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FEATURE JURY composed by Denis Côté (Canada) and Dritan Huqi (Albania)






Glory by Kristina Grozeva, Petar Valchanov | 2016 | Bulgaria, Greece | 97'


A movie that speaks to every time, place, and society – with an extraordinary development of a simple plot, which we live every day. A movie that carries a powerful message, but also a work of art with emotional and aesthetical values.


Një film që i flet çdo kohe, çdo vendi dhe çdo shoqërie, me një zhvillim të jashtëzakonshëm të një subjekti të thjeshtë, që të gjithë e jetojmë çdo ditë. Një film me një forcë të madhe në mesazhin e tij, por dhe një vepër artistike me vlerë emocionale dhe estetike.



Gentian Koçi

Daybreak | 2017 | Albania, Greece | 85'


A clear directorial concept.  Every component helps build an image that serves this point of view.

A simple cinematographic language which conveys important messages about our reality.


Një koncept i qartë regjisorial, një imazh i ndërtuar në çdo komponent në funksion të këtij këndvështrimi.

Një gjuhë e thjeshtë kinematografike, që përcjell mesazhe të rendësishme të realitetit tonë.



Edon Rizvanolli

Unwanted by Edon Rizvanolli | 2016 | Kosovo | 85'


A unique entanglement between the desire to create the future and the past that holds one back.

A perfectly built mechanism of time, mentality, drama, and characters, which astounds by its emotional intensity.


Një ndërthurrje e veçantë ndërmjet dëshirës për të krijuar të ardhmen, përballë një të kaluare që e mban peng.

Një mekanizëm i ndërtuar përsosmërisht, ndermjet kohës, mentalitelit, dramës dhe personazheve, që të befason me forcën emocionale.



Vesselin Hritov

Directions by Stephan Komandarev | 2017 | Bulgaria, Germany, Macedonia | 103'


A stand out component not only for its technical solutions, but in making the audience a “Live” witness of the events described in this movie in a very realistic way. A camera that makes us strongly experience the character’s drama in that very harsh reality.


Komponent i dukshëm jo vetëm në zgjidhjet teknike, por në mënyrë tejet realiste duke e bërë spektatorin dëshmitar “live” të ngjarjeve që përshkon ky film. Një kamera, që na bën ta përjetojmë fort dramën e personazheve në atë realitet tejet të vështirë.



Dražen Kuljanin

A Balkan Noir by Dražen Kuljanin | 2017 | Sweden, Montenegro | 74'


A unique editing style supporting the drama and the movie aesthetics. A unique incorporation of graphic elements into the movie’s dramaturgy.


Një stil i veçantë montazhi, në funksion të dramës, por dhe të estetikës së filmit. Një ndërthurrje e veçantë e elementit grafik, brenda dramaturgjisë së filmit.



Beneath the Silence by Erez Mizrahi, Sahar Shavit | 2016 | Israel | 112'


An impressive and shocking movie. The dramatic reality as an aftermath of the conflicts that continue to threaten our continent.


Një film mbresëlenës dhe shumë tronditës. Realiteti dramatik pasojë e konflikteve që vazhdojnë të cënojnë kontinentin tonë.



DOCUMENTARY JURY composed by Altin Raxhimi (Albania), Visar Vishka (Macedonia) and Mateo Cingu (Albania)



On the Edge of Life by Yaser Kassab | 2017 | Syria | 45'


A heart-rending personal essay on grief and uprooting, on the limbo states of existence.


Një essè personale tepër prekëse mbi dhimbjen dhe shpërnguljen, në një ekzistencë të mbetur pezull.



The Charro of Toluquilla by José Villalobos Romero | 2016 | Mexico | 90'


Charro - a life excellently and honestly filmed and told. Carro confronts society and death by living his life fully.


Një jetë e filmuar dhe e treguar në mënyrë të shkëlqyer dhe me sinqeritet. Çarro përballet me shoqërinë dhe vdekjen duke e shijuar jetën deri në fund.



On the Edge of Life by Yaser Kassab | 2017 | Syria | 45'


A heart-rending personal essay on grief and uprooting, on the limbo states of existence.


Një tregim personal tronditës mbi atë që do të thotë të mbash zi dhe se çdo të thotë të çrrënjosjesh, mbi gjendjet tranzitore dhe të paqarta të ekzistencës.



The Gold Rush by Raúl de la Fuente | 2017 | Spain | 24'


Masterful narration that develops from a local tragedy into a global one.

The classical butterfly efekt.


Një rrëfim mjeshtëror, që zhvillohet nga një tragjedi lokale në tragjedi globale.

Shembull klasik i Efektit Flutur.



Mr. Gay Syria by Ayse Toprak | 2017 | Turkey | 84'


A heart-breaking journey of gay Syrians from imminent  death under the hands of ISIS to freedom in Western Europe. Some make it, some don't. Well-told.


Një udhëtim i dhimbshëm i dy homoseksualëve sirianë që i shpëtojnë vdekjes së sigurt në duart e ISIS-it duke gjetur lirinë në Europën perëndimore. Disa ia dalin mbanë e disa jo. I mirëtreguar.



SHORT FICTION JURY composed by Hila Chessen (Israel), Laurent Rouy (France) and Ergys Meta (Albania)



Retouch by Kaveh Mazaheri | 2017 | Iran | 20'


Every aspect of the film contributes to a precise and painful story, keeping us emotionally involved with the expressions of the main character. The merging of cinematic component gives its simplicity more powerful meaning.


Çdo aspekt i filmit kontribuon në një histori të përpiktë dhe të dhimbshme, duke na mbajtur emocionalisht të përfshirë me shprehitë e personazhit kryesor. Shkrirja e përbërësve kinematografikë i jep thjeshtësisë së tij domethënie të fuqishme.



Red Light by Toma Waszarow | 2016 | Bulgaria, Croatia | 21'


Perfectly shows the problems of Bulgarian, but as well the society in transition with an original and surprising way. It deals about very heavy social problematic with a comedic tone and its striking context makes the freshness of that film.


Tregon në mënyrë të përsosur problemet e bullgarëve, por gjithashtu të shoqërisë në tranzicion dhe e bën këtë me një mënyrë origjinale dhe befasuese. Trajton me tone komike një problematikë sociale të rëndë dhe konteksti i habitshëm i jep freskinë këtij filmi.



ANIMATION & VIDEO ART JURY composed by Alban Muja (Kosovo), Albert Malltezi  and Fani Zguro (Albania)



The Bridge Over the River by Jadwiga Kowalska | 2016 | Switzerland | 6'


Simplicity, concept and realization made the jury to decide unanimity for ‘’The Bridge Over the River”.


Thjeshtësia, koncepti dhe realizimi ka bërë që juria të vendosë unanimisht për filmin “Ura mbi lum”.



The Copyist by Tamás Köszegi | 2016 | Hungary | 8’


The way how author find a way to share with us as audience one relationship is unique and very special. As well the language he found made us as jury to decide unanimity for the “The Copyist”.


Rruga që ka gjetur autori për të ndarë me ne si audiencë një marrëdhenie është shumë unike dhe speciale. Po ashtu gjuha që ka gjetur autori ka bërë që juria të vendosë unanimisht për videon “Kopjuesi”.



STUDENT JURY composed by Kamuran Goranci (Kosovo) and Suela Bako (Albania)



Millimeterle by Pascal Reinmann | 2016 | Switzerland | 15'


For its honesty and deep truthfulness, brilliant acting, unique cinematographic language, a very sensitive and bold topic choice, and for its psychological analysis of characters and the phenomena.


Për sinqeritetin dhe vërtetësinë e thellë, interpretimin e shkëlqyer aktorial, gjuhën e veçantë filmike, temën tejet delikate dhe të guximshme si dhe zbërthimin psikologjik të karaktereve dhe fenomenit.



IN ALBANIAN JURY composed by Irina Gurova (Bulgaria) and Goce Kralevski (Macedonia)



Home by More Raça | 2016 | Kosovo | 23'


The film "Home" has an extremely well elaborated script, which has respected the rules of the short form and has a very strong subject. The director has managed to transmit to the audience the complexity of the society in which the story takes place and the relationships between family members. It's a profoundly touching film with little dialogue, so enough that not overburdened the great cinematography and great acting by the main cast.


Filmi “Shtëpia” ka një skenar të përpunuar jashtëzakonisht mirë, i cili ka respektuar rregullat e formës së skenarit të shkurtër dhe përmban një subjekt mjaft të fortë. Regjisori ka arritur të përcjellë te publiku shoqërinë e ndërlikuar ku ndodh ngjarja dhe marrëdhëniet mes pjesëtarëve të familjes. Është një film që prek thellësisht; me pak dialog; mjaftueshëm për të mos mbingarkuar kinematografinë e mrekullueshme dhe aktrimin e shkëlqyer të kastit.




The Remigrant by Astrit Alihajdaraj | 2017 | Kosovo | 20'


The special mention goes to the film "The Remigrant" because of its directing qualities and really good acting. The story also shows an interesting angel of the emigrants life.


Përmendje e veçantë i bëhet filmit “Remigranti” për cilësitë regjisoriale dhe aktrimin vërtet të mirë. Historia jep gjithashtu një këndvështrim interesant të jetës prej emigranti.



Fluffy by Lee Filipovski | 2016 | Serbia | 24'


BEST DEBUT FILM “Ron Holloway”

The Children Will Come by Ana Jakimska | 2017 | Macedonia | 19'




MEDIA JURY composed by Blerina Goce, Dorina Topallaj and Sabina Veizaj (Albania)




Glory by Kristina Grozeva, Petar Valchanov | 2016 | Bulgaria, Greece | 97'


“Glory” is a real social allegory that explores themes, as: corruption, social difference and rural & urban differences in nowadays, themes that are very actual not only in Bulgaria but all over the Balkan and more. “Glory” it is in the same time dramatic and funny. The film shows how difficult and comic it is to be honest and with pure moral in a corruptive system and corruptive society. Film it comes with a realist style, almost like a documentary and it is a cinematographic parable about corruption, bureaucracy and propaganda.


“Glory” është një alegori realiste sociale që eksploron tema të korrupsionit, diferencës sociale dhe ndarjes rurale dhe urbane në shoqërinë e sotme bashkëkohore, tema që janë aktuale jo vetëm në Bullgari, por në krejt Ballkanin e më gjerë. Filmi tregon se sa e vështirë dhe qesharake është të jesh i ndershëm dhe me moral të pastër në një sistem dhe shoqëri të korruptuar. I paparashikueshëm, filmi vjen në një stil realist e gati dokumentaresk dhe është një parabolë kinematografike, njëkohësisht therrëse dhe argëtuese.





Raffi by Arend Agthe | 2015 | Germany | 97'



SHORT DOCUMENTARY FILMS - TIFF 2017 (15'th edition)
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1,4 Sextillion Litre Doro Götz Germany 2017
8 Days of Parlor Zoe Phylactidou Cyprus 2016
Born of Stone Emilio Bellu Italy, Czechia 2016
Dragon Circle Gertrud Schulte Westenberg Germany 2016
Evripidou 14 Michael Demetrius Greece 2016
Golden Hour Claudia Vogt Germany 2017
Happy Happy Baby Jan Soldat Germany 2017
In Search of the Land Without Evil Anna Azevedo Brazil 2017
Jungle Colia Vranici France 2016
Miss Holocaust Michalina Musielak, Irena Siedlar Poland 2017
Nobody Dies Here Simon Panay France 2016
Sabine’s Nursery Manuel Rees Germany 2016
Sand Men Tal Amiran UK 2016
Sarajevo Femme Fatale Joanna Zielinska Bosnia 2016
Street of Death Karam Ghossein Lebanon 2017
The Beast Underneath Anaelle Morf Switzerland, Canada 2017
The Brick House Eliane Esther Bots Netherlands 2016
The Daytime Is Not For Me Akvilė Žilionytė Lithuania 2017
The Gold Rush Raúl de la Fuente Spain 2017
The Last Tape Igor Kosenko Germany 2017
The Lectora Yulia Piskuliyska UAE, Cuba 2017
Thea Halvor Nitteberg Norway 2016
To the Dead Mauricio Arango USA, Colombia 2016
DOCUMENTARY Mid-length - TIFF 2017 (15'th edition)
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Everybody Knows... Elizabeth Murray Kristi Zea USA 2016
Imma Pasquale Marino Italy 2017
On the Edge of Life Yaser Kassab Syria 2017
Prohibited Visit Nikos Theodosiou Greece 2017
Saint Lazarus's Miracle Nicolas Muñoz Avia Spain 2016
Valentina Maximilian Feldmann Germany 2016
VIDEO ART - TIFF 2017 (15'th edition)
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Brutes Are Afraid of Silence Étienne Boulanger Canada 2016
Ex Terrat Reinhold Bidner Austria, France 2016
Final Gathering Alain Escalle France 2017
Finish Saeed Naghavian Iran 2017
Genesis Abtin Mozafari Iran 2017
Hey You! Tessa Garland UK 2016
Hiwa Jacqueline Lentzou Greece 2016
Hysteria Maurice Kelliher UK, Ireland 2016
Label Amir Lashkari Iran 2017
Lying Women Deborah Kelly Australia 2017
mondriaTIOn Werner Biedermann Germany 2017
Soulcash Elīna Maligina Latvia 2017
Structures of Nature Martin Gerigk Germany 2017
Stuff as Dreams Guli Silberstein UK 2016
Ten to the Minus Forty Three Second Francis France 2016
The Copyist Tamás Köszegi Hungary 2016
Timepulse APOTROPIA Italy 2017
un/masked Iulia Enkelana Romania 2017
Woods & Waters Antoine Parouty France 2017
STUDENT International - TIFF 2017 (15'th edition)
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Beer & Calippo Paul Ploberger Austria 2017
Best of Everything, Always Alexios Koukias-Pantelis UK 2017
Boundary Bartosz Brzeziński Poland 2016
Buoyancy Simon Valentin Denmark 2017
Casting Katarzyna Iskra Poland 2017
Digital Immigrants Dennis Stauffer, Norbert Kottmann Switzerland 2016
Donkey Xote Ottó Bánovits Hungary, Sweden 2016
Eat me! Ilina Perianova Bulgaria 2016
Empathy (a digital love letter) Qiyue Sun USA, China 2017
Facing Mecca Jan-Eric Mack Switzerland 2017
Jouissance Segev Shaw Israel 2016
Love Dušan Zorić Serbia 2017
Lunch Time Alireza Ghasemi Iran 2017
Madeleine Michaela Lovecká Czechia 2015
Millimeterle Pascal Reinmann Switzerland 2016
Never Fall In Love Jinshuai Zhang China 2017
Permutations Mirac Atabey Portugal 2016
Rural Date Balázs Dudás Hungary 2016
Simba in New York Tobi Sauer Germany 2016
Sisyphus Yusuf Emre Yalçın Turkey 2016
Stopover Cosima Frei Switzerland 2017
The Burden of Memory Albert Meisl Austria, Germany 2016
The Window Silvia Perra Italy 2016
IN ALBANIAN - TIFF 2017 (15'th edition)
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A Long Way Home Ibër Deari Macedonia 2017
A True Story Viron Roboci Albania 2017
Conversation on Life Agim Abdula Macedonia 2016
Heaven Has Been Fooled Odeta Çunaj Albania 2016
Home More Raça Kosova 2016
Kaini Shaqir Veseli Albania 2017
Lord of the House Daniëlle Bremer Kosova 2017
Reverse Antipode Oltsen Gripshi Albania 2017
The Eagles Sokol Reka Belgium 2017
The Junction Xhelal Haliti Kosova 2017
The Old House Genti Kame Albania 2017
The Remigrant Astrit Alihajdaraj Kosova 2017
The Runner Kushtrim Asllani Kosova 2017
Tirana 100km Lorin Terezi Albania 2017
Water for the Roses Luli Bitri Albania 2017
DOCUMENTARY Full-length - TIFF 2017 (15'th edition)
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69 Minutes of 86 Days Egil Haskjold Larsen Norway 2017
Blood and the Moon Tommaso Cotronei Italy, Yemen 2017
Jeffrey Yanillys Perez Dominican Republic, France 2017
Mr. Gay Syria Ayse Toprak Turkey 2017
Siberian Love Olga Delane Germany 2016
The Charro of Toluquilla José Villalobos Romero Mexico 2016
Tonino Daniele Ceccarini, Mario Molinari Italy 2017
SHORT ANIMATED FILMS - TIFF 2017 (15'th edition)
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Aiport Michaela Müller Switzerland 2017
And the Moon Stands Still Yulia Ruditskaya Belarus 2017
Bystander Sheyda Kashi Iran 2017
Chill and Shivering Kwok Wai Chung Philip Hong Kong 2016
Confined Nico Bonomolo Italy 2016
Framed Marco Jemolo Italy 2017
In Exile Alexander Kurilov Moldova 2016
Light Sight Seyed M. Tabatabaei Iran 2016
Manivald Chintis Lundgren Estonia 2017
Nothing Happens Uri & Michelle Kranot Denmark 2017
Our Wonderful Nature – The Common Chameleon Tomer Eshed Germany 2016
Pet Man Marzieh Abrarpaydar Iran 2017
Round Trip Mary Zharko Ivanov Macedonia 2016
Sand Arjan Brentjes Netherlands 2017
Stars Han Zhang USA 2017
The Bridge Over the River Jadwiga Kowalska Switzerland 2016
The Scarlet Whale Jimmy Cho Colombia 2017
The Servant Farnoosh Abedi Iran 2017
Where Have the Flowers Gone Sin-hong Chan China 2016
Wishing Box Wenli Zhang USA 2017
SHORT FICTION FILMS - TIFF 2017 (15'th edition)
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8 Minutes George Gogichaishvili, David Abramishvili Georgia 2017
A Swedish Classic Måns Berthas Sweden 2017
Animal Bahman & Bahram Ark Iran 2017
Blue in Green Leigh Heiman Pruzanski Israel 2016
Building No.13 Amir Gholami Iran 2016
Burning Slimane Bounia France 2016
Check-list Frédéric Mosbeux Belgium 2017
Everyday Philippe Orreindy France 2017
Fluffy Lee Filipovski Serbia 2016
FU Ilya Aksenov Russia 2017
Helga is in Lund Thelyia Petraki Greece 2016
Hyménée Violaine Bellet France 2017
Ice Anna Hints France 2017
Isabella Claudio Pelizzer Italy 2017
Lithuania Iker Arce Spain 2016
Maybe Tomorrow Martin Illiev Bulgaria, Germany 2017
No Connection Risto-Pekka Blom Finland 2017
Red Light Toma Waszarow Bulgaria, Croatia 2017
Retouch Kaveh Mazaheri Iran 2017
Shadow of Man Kristof Sagna France 2016
Shmama Miki Polonski Israel 2017
So Close Vito Bonev Bulgaria 2017
So That Mom Is Happy Asya Mozhegova Russia 2017
The Brother Lea Triboulet France 2016
The Children Will Come Ana Jakimska Macedonia 2017
The Interview Marc Gurung France 2016
The Plumber Méryl Fortunat-Rossi & Xavier Séron France 2016
The Smoke Ivan Plechev Russia 2017
Vampire Álex Montoya Spain 2016
Vampirisimus Massimiliano Nardulli, Gabriele Saffioti Romania, Italy 2017
Variation on a Theme of Violence Jeremy Nicholas Australia 2017
Whoever Was Using This Bed Andrew Koťátko Australia 2016
Young Men at their Window Loukianos Moshonas France 2017
FEATURE FILMS - TIFF 2017 (15'th edition)
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A Balkan Noir Dražen Kuljanin Sweden, Montenegro 2017
Beneath the Silence Erez Mizrahi, Sahar Shavit Israel 2016
Black Crow Tayfur Aydin Turkey 2016
Daybreak Gentian Koçi Albania, Greece 2017
Directions Stephan Komandarev Bulgaria, Germany, Macedonia 2017
Glory Kristina Grozeva, Petar Valchanov Bulgaria 2016
Ministry of Love Pavo Marinković Croatia 2016
Mothering Roqiye Tavakoli Iran 2017
Unwanted Edon Rizvanolli Kosova 2017


Festival description
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TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is the first international film festival and the only of its kind in Albania. This extraordinary cultural event created in 2003 is the most important cinematic event in Balkans.


TIFF aims to create in Albania, as well as in the region, a cultural center of worldwide alternative and independent cinema. Albania is a solar, enthusiastic and friendly country and besides the “strong competition” TIFF aims at the same time to be a meeting point of cultures, where people of Tirana, the guests and all those who love films will have a cinema-language-communication week.


TIFF aims to create a friendly space for film artists and cinema enthusiasts from Albania, Europe and the entire world to come together and share their linked passion and knowledge of the motion picture art form. The intention of TIFF is to bring filmmakers, producers and distributors from all around the world to Tirana, in hopes of fostering future co-operation in this interesting scenic area.  By bringing together these distinct voices and their work, TIFF commits itself to introducing audiences to alternative visions of extraordinary diversity.  "Think Different, See Alike" is the slogan and motto of TIFF.


TIFF aims at demonstrating strong efficiency in audience development (especially toward young audience) by implementing activities before, during and after the event, including year-long activities and travelling to other cities with various smaller partner and smaller festivals in the country. Partnering with small organizations and youth centers around the country in order to use the existing facilities in each city will not only give to TIFF a large national impact, but will enhance on the other side the increase of values of small events in each respective city in which TIFF will be present.


The Festival yearly getting thousands of submissions from submitting online in our website and other online platforms which applies for being selected. TIFF is an international cinema event whose main objective is to enlarge the number of venues and time of screening of European and non-European films of all genres and durations in Albania as well as it is considered to be an event to develop new audiences around the country, combining film screenings with public debates and thematic debates approaching new and an increased Film Audience and focusing also on Film Literacy.


Since its inception, TIFF receives over 20,000 short and feature films from over 120 countries around the world. Out of all these applications more than hundred films can be chosen each year for the competition program.




Competition features those distinct sections:


Feature Film Competition

Short Film Competition

In Albanian Film Competition

Student Film Competition

Video Art


The daily program of TIFF combine national premieres of feature and short films in all formats and genres: fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and video art.  Open to any filmmaker from around the world, TIFF showcases new cinematic work by established directors with international reputations as well as movies by talented students and young artists.


Besides the competition program TIFF reserves a large space to the special programs and screenings. PANORAMA has some thematic programs dedicated to the most sensitive social topics and problematic social groups as for children, women, immigration, integration of persons with disabilities, LGBT, etc. with those sections: DIVERGENT MINDS; GENERATIONs; MADE In ALBANIAN; NEW WORLD; PARADE .

FOCUS is a special program, which is based on tribute or homage to the cinema author and/or the filmography of a given country. RetrospecTIFF brings to the new audience the most prominent national or international authors of the film history. REFLECTING ALBANIA is the oldest program of the festival, dedicated to the foreign filmmakers who have produced their films in Albania or in Albanian speaking territory.


TIFForum, a regional approach to promote cinematographic production in Albania and co-productions in the region, will be a 3-day intensive workshop for the Script Development & Pitching Competition in collaboration with Torino Film Lab of 8 first or second feature film projects, consisting of individual consultations, practical writing exercises and lectures. The projects will work on their pitch with a trainer in the following 2 days.  On the last day every participant will pitch his project and compete for the Best Pitch Award.

TIFF provides time in its daily schedule for masterclasses and seminars with professionals in the motion picture industry geared for Albanian students of the cinema and emerging filmmakers.


FIPRESCI - The International Federation of Film Critics, who will appreciate our selections with special prizes that will echo TIFF and most important sites and film magazines in the world.




On the occasion of this 15th edition of TIFF, seven international juries comprised of leading film writers, directors, producers and critics will evaluate and then select the best features & shorts with awards presented on the closing night ceremony. Awards will be presented in the following categories:



Best Director

Best Screenplay

Best Cinematography

Best Editing “Luc Barnier”

Best European Feature Film


Best SHORT Film

Best Short Fiction

Best Short Animation

Best Short Documentary

Best Short Experimental

Best European Short Film


Best Film in ALBANIAN





Best PITCH Award


Best BALKAN Film

Best DEBUT Film “Ron Holloway” Award


AUDIENCE Choice Award



Official awards consist of a statue and a diploma. The cash prize in TIFF is determined by the available budget. Special awards can be given by organizers, Festival director, sponsors and partners, professional organizations, NGOs, media, etc.




TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL has the pleasure to announce four major services available for the applicants. Since its inception in 2003, TIFF received over 20,000 short and feature films from over 120 countries around the world. Out of all these applications more than hundred films can be chosen each year for the competition program. With these four new services, TIFF offers the opportunity to many films to be shown in alternative ways (TV, online, market, special programs) in a wider audience and experts.

The applicants must apply clearly for each one of these new services. Fill the appropriate field in the entry form.


TIFF.TV Competition

With our media TV partners we offer the possibility to directors screening their films (selected for the official competitive program or not) to the Albanian audience and win the TV audience awards.


TIFF on Tour

TIFF will act as ambassador for the submitted films and will travel with a selection to other Albanian cities during the year. TIFF will also propose special screenings to other regional festivals in accordance to a specific subject or theme of each collaborative festival.


TIFF Online Library

TIFF offer the online presentation of each film, in a dedicated page, as a part of a film library, with all related information and with the possibility to receive comments from the international internet audience and industry.  The screening of films is open to anyone without charges. The films will be available for viewing in the film library as long as director/producer wishes.


TIFF Market Corner

TIFF will create a market corner, where potential buyers can watch all films and make their selection. TIFF will also act as a festival promoter and distributor. In case of financial contract with a distributor, TIFF will receive a fee of 5%.



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