News 2016
Festival description
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TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (TIFF) is the first and only international cinema festival of its kind in Albania. This extraordinary cultural event created in 2003 is the most important cinematic event in Albania.


TIFF aims to create in Albania, as well as in the Balkans, a cultural center of worldwide alternative and independent cinema. Albania is a solar, enthusiastic and friendly country and besides the “strong competition” TIFF aims at the same time to be a meeting point of cultures, where people of Tirana, the guests and all those who love films will have a cinema-language-communication week.


Above all, it is the aim of the TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL to create a meeting point for film artists and cinema enthusiasts from Albania, Europe and the entire world to come together and share their linked passion and knowledge of the motion picture art form.

The intention of TIFF is to bring filmmakers, producers and distributors from all around the world to Tirana, in hopes of fostering future co-operation in this extraordinary scenic area.

By bringing together these distinct voices and their work, TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL commits itself to introducing audiences to alternative visions of extraordinary diversity.

"Think Different, See Alike" is the slogan and motto of TIFF.


Since its inception, TIFF receives over 15,000 short films and 4,000 feature films from over 112 countries around the world. Out of all these applications more than hundred films can be chosen each year for the competition program.


The Festival yearly getting thousands of submissions from submitting online in our website and other online platforms as: FilmFreeway, WithoutaBox, Reelport, Festhome, Click4Festivals, FilmFestivalLife from around 120 countries around the world which applies for being selected. TIFF Festival is a national cinema event whose main objective is to enlarge the number of venues and time of screening of European and non-European films of all genres and durations in Albania as well as it is considered to be an event to develop new audiences around the country, combining film screenings with public debates and thematic debates approaching new and an increased Film Audience and focusing also on Film Literacy.


TIFF aims at demonstrating strong efficiency in audience development (especially toward young audience) by implementing activities before, during and after the event, including year-long activities and travelling to other cities with various smaller partner and smaller festivals in the country. Partnering with small organizations and youth centers around the country in order to use the existing facilities in each city will not only give to TIFF a large national impact, but will enhance on the other side the increase of values of small events in each respective city in which TIFF will be present.





Competition features those distinct sections:


Feature Film Competition

Short Film Competition

In Albanian Film Competition

Student Film Competition

Video Art


All the daily programs of the TIFF festival combine features and short films in all formats and genres: fiction, documentary, animation and experimental.  Open to any filmmaker from around the world, TIFF showcases new cinematic work by established directors with international reputations as well as work by talented students and young artists.

TIFF provides time in its daily schedule for classes and seminars with professionals in the motion picture industry geared for Albanian students of the cinema and emerging filmmakers, special programs & screenings, retrospectives, homage, tributes and international guests.

This 14th edition of TIFF 2016 announces a feature film competition along with its prestigious international shorts program. During the nine days of TIFF's program, from November 3rd to November 11th, in addition to competition shorts and features screenings, many retrospectives, seminars, master classes, press events and special presentations at theaters all over the Albanian capital will take place.


In this edition it has been increased into 200 the number of films, that will be shown to our public and foreign one. Besides a quality program in competition for feature, short, student, in Albanian and Video Art, we have opened two special sections.


FOCUS is a special program dedicated to the famous filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami, homage for this phenomenon of world cinema, who passed away just two months ago.

Another special program will be dedicated to the great Italian master director Ettore Scola. Also in this section, we will be focused on short feature films from Italy, Spain and Romania.


PANORAMA is the section dedicated to films with thematic programs for children, women, immigration, integration of persons with disabilities, LGBT, etc.


For the first time in Tirana, we are organizing TIFForum in collaboration with the Torino Film Lab and Balkan Cinema Cities, a regional approach to promote cinematographic production in Albania and co-productions in the region. 8 projects films were selected films from Albania, Kosovo, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Bosnia will undergo expertise of well-known professionals in Europe that suggested Torino Film Lab and distributors present, which will make possible the successful realization of these regional projects.


For the first time in Tirana will be present FIPRESCI - The International Federation of Film Critics, who will appreciate our selections with special prizes, that will echo TIFF and most important sites and film magazines in the world.

TIFF this year is scheduled to show films and develop its parallel activities into two halls of Imperial Cinema, Open Air at the terrace of Sheraton Tirana Hotel, (room Illyria 1 for the opening and closing ceremony of awards, Illyria 2 TIFForum), COD, The Clowd, Mediterranean University of Albania and Tulla Culture Center.



On the occasion of this 14th edition of TIFF, seven international juries comprised of leading film writers, directors, producers and critics will evaluate and then select the best features & shorts with awards presented on the closing night ceremony. Awards will be presented in the following categories:



Best Director

Best Screenplay

Best Cinematography

Best Editing “Luc Barnier”

Best European Feature Film


Best SHORT Film

Best Short Fiction

Best Short Animation

Best Short Documentary

Best Short Experimental

Best European Short Film


Best Film in Albanian

Best Video Art

Best Student Film


Best Balkan Film

Best Debut Film “Ron Holloway” Award


Media Award


Audience Choice Award

Internet Vote


Official awards consist of a statue and a diploma. The cash prize in TIFF is determined by the available budget. Special awards can be given by organizers, Festival director, sponsors and partners, professional organizations, NGOs, media, etc.




TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL has the pleasure to announce four major new services available for applicants:  TIFF.TV Competition, TIFF Online Library, TIFF Market Corner and TIFF on Tour.

With these four new services, Tirana IFF offers the opportunity to many films to be shown in alternative ways (TV, online, market, special programs) in a wider audience and experts.

The applicants must apply clearly for each one of these new services. Fill the appropriate field in the entry form.


TIFF.TV Competition

With our media TV partners we offer the possibility to directors screening their films (selected for the official competitive program or not) to the Albanian audience and win the TV audience awards.


TIFF Online Library

TIFF offer the online presentation of each film, in a dedicated page, as a part of a film library, with all related information and with the possibility to receive comments from the international Internet audience and industry.  The screening of films is open to anyone without charges. The films will be available for viewing in the film library as long as director/producer wishes.


TIFF Market Corner

TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL will create a market corner during the nine days, where potential buyers can watch all films and make their selection. Tirana IFF will also act as a festival promoter and distributor. In case of financial contract with a distributor, Tirana IFF will receive a fee of 5%.


TIFF on Tour

Tirana IFF will act as ambassador for the submitted films and will travel with a selection to other Albanian cities during the year. TIFF will also propose special screenings to other regional festivals in accordance to a specific subject or theme of each collaborative festival.




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Awards - TIFF 14'th edition
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14th edition TIFF 2016


composed by Darko Basheski (Macedonia), Visar Morina (Germany) and Mehdi Abdollahzadeh (Switzerland)




Hear the Silence by Ed Ehrenberg |2015| Germany | 94'

For its wonderful achievement in depicting a real-time war trauma effect story within framework of unpredictable continuous human interaction.

Për arritjen e mrekullueshme, për paraqitjen e një historie, ku shihen traumat e vërteta të luftës brenda kornizës së ndërveprimit të vazhdueshëm e të paparashikueshëm njerëzor.



Claudio Caligari

Don't Be Bad |2015| Italy | 104'

The film takes us into the 90’ and takes in focus two characters, who are trying to find their place in society. It is also characterized by consistency during the story development, because they don’t deviate attention from the time they live on.

Filmi na dërgon në vitet 90’ dhe ka në fokus dy personazhe, të cilët janë në kërkim të gjetjes së vendit të tyre në shoqëri. Një konsekuencë në tregimin e ngjarjes duke mos e humbur vëmendjen në kohën që ata jetojnë.



Zymber Kelmendi

Home Sweet Home by Faton Bajraktari |2016| Kosovo | 90'

The screenplay manages to question the moral standards of the society. The screenwriter, masterly, reveals an entire society by presenting the story inside a sole house.

Skenari arrin të vërë në pikëpyetje standartet morale të një shoqërie si dhe me mjeshtëri skenaristi shpalos një shoqëri të tërë duke e mbajur gjithë historinë brenda një shtëpie.



Roey Roth

Weddingdoll by Nitzan Gilady |2015| Israel | 82'

This film gets this award for the best camera work, for a great pursue of the narration with e perfect frame and color concept, without ever losing the sense of reality.

Për kameran më të mirë, për një ndjekje të narracionit me një kuadër shumë të përsosur dhe me koncept ngjyrash, pa e humbur kurrë sensin e realitetit.



Emre Konuk

The Apprentice by Emre Konuk |2015| Turkey | 86'

For editor’s outstanding contribution to creativity in narrative of the film.

Për kontributin e padiskutueshëm krijues të montazhierit dhe mënyrën e rrëfimit në film.





composed by Kaj Van Zoelen (Netherlands), Elsa Demo (Albania), Evgeny Maizel (Russia)




Home Sweet Home by Faton Bajraktari |2016| Kosovo | 90'

For a convincing deconstruction of the war myth of our time in a darkly absurd way.

Shqyrtim bindës i mitit të luftës në kohën tonë, nëpërmjet një mënyre absurde dhe të errët.




composed by 5C project: Mariana Hristova (Bulgaria), Rhiannon Wain (United Kingdom), Galina Maksimović (Serbia), Andrei Şendrea (Romania) and Özge Özdüzen (Turkey)



Don't Be Bad by Claudio Caligari |2015| Italy | 104'

For its consistent and well-structured screenplay, empowerment shown though its precise iconography, rich cinematic means and the universal dimension of an intimate story.

Për skenarin e qëndrueshëm dhe të mirë-strukturuar, fuqizimin e treguar përmes ikonografisë së saktë, mjetet e pasura kinematografike dhe dimensionin universal të një historie intime.




composed by Jamie Donoghue (United Kingdom), Asimina Proedrou (Greece) and Arben Lami (Albania)




Adaptation by Bartosz Kruhlik | 2016 | Poland | 24'

For its drama and the truthful interpretation of the actor, the director wisely makes us part of the family problems, in nowadays society with a universal and emotional theme.

Për dramaturgjinë dhe lojën me vërtetësi të aktorëve, ku regjisori me inteligjencë na fut brenda problemeve të familjes në shoqërinë e sotme me një temë universale dhe plot emocion.



Limbo by Konstantina Kotzamani | 2016 | Greece | 30'

A film created full of symbols and metaphors, where the director with keen intuition takes us to an unreal world with a meaningful message.

Një film i ndërtuar në simbole dhe metafora ku regjisorja me intuitë na çon në një botë irreale me një mesazh kuptimplotë.



Said's Cremation by Julien Sicard | 2015 | France | 29'

A realistic film where the director gets within some minutes to contrast the conflicts between two cultures. A film in which the cast with their interpretation experiences the reality of the time.

Një film realist ku regjisori arrin brenda minutave të këtij film të ballafaqojë konfliktet midis dy kulturave. Filmi ka një kast aktorësh që me lojën e tyre përjetojnë realitetin e kohës.





composed by Lydia Papadimitriou (United Kingdom), Daniel Knebl (Chzechia) and Eno Milkani (Albania)




Merlot by Marta Gennari, Giulia Martinelli | 2016 | Italy | 6'

Merlot because of its playful and imaginative use of framing to offer a retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Its distinguished style of animation is full of little surprises that engage and entertain the spectator.

Merlot vlerësohet për përdorimin e gjallë dhe plot imagjinatë të kuadrit, duke ofruar një tregim të ri të historisë së Kësulëkuqes. Stili i  shquar i filmave vizatimorë vjen plot me surpriza që përfshijnë dhe zbavisin spektatorin.




Football Brothers by Marcin Filipowicz | 2015 | Poland | 28'

Football Brothers for its observational style and ability to bring us close to the young boys’ ambitions to become footballers. Low key, humble and yet insightful, the film is remarkable for the naturalness of the boys’ presence who seem to forget that they are being filmed.

“Football Brothers” vlerësohet për stilin e tij vëzhgues dhe aftësinë për të na treguar nga afër ambiciet e djemve të rinj për t’u bërë futbollistë. Të kufizuar, të përulur, por përsëri mendjemprehtë, filmi shquhet për natyrshmërinë e djemve, që duket se harrojnë që janë duke u filmuar.



Subotika: Land of Wonders by Peter Volkart | 2015 | Switzerland | 13'

Subotika because of the inventive, humorous and surrealistic way in which it constructs a futuristic world inspired by 1960s postcards and images. Its intelligent combination of different techniques, including live shooting photography and animation, creates a very accomplished film that uses irony to offset the bleakness of its fictional world and leave the spectator with a good feeling.

Subotika për mënyrën krijuese, surrealiste dhe plot humor, në të cilën ndërtohet një botë e së ardhmes, frymëzuar nga kartolinat dhe imazhet e viteve ‘60. Kombinimi inteligjent i teknikave të ndryshme, duke përfshirë këtu fotografinë në lëvizje dhe filmin vizatimor, krijon një film shumë të realizuar, që përdor ironinë për të mënjanuar zymtësinë e botës së saj imagjinare dhe i lë spektatorit një përshtypje të mirë.





composed by 5C project: Mariana Hristova (Bulgaria), Rhiannon Wain (United Kingdom), Galina Maksimović (Serbia), Andrei Şendrea (Romania) and Özge Özdüzen (Turkey)




Picnic by Jure Pavlovic | 2015 | Croatia | 13'

For its original approach to a well versed topic, for the craftsmanship of storytelling, and emotional delicacy.

Për qasjen fillestare në një temë të përgatitur mirë, për aftësitë e rrëfimit, dhe delikatesën emocionale.





composed by Derya Durmaz (Turkey), Stefano Romano (Italy) and Dejan Trajkoski (Macedonia)





Lost Exile by Fisnik Maxhuni | 2016 | Kosovo, Switzerland | 29'

We choose the film Lost Exile as the best film in the Albanian Short Film category for having all the elements of filmmaking in place, starting from the story to script, from creating a visual language that fits the scrip to good sound design and economic use of music. With these elements in place, the film achieves to make the audience feel the anxiety and suspense that the main characters are feeling.

Kemi zgjedhur filmin “Lost Exile” si filmin më të mirë në kategorinë Albanian Short Film sepse ka të gjitha elementet e xhirimit të një filmi të mirëfilltë, duke filluar nga historia te skenari, nga krijimi i një gjuhe vizuale që i përshtatet edhe kompozimit të tingujve dhe përdorimin me vend të muzikës. Duke pasur këto elemente në nivelet e duhura, filmi arrin ta bëjë shikuesin të ndiejë ankthin dhe pasiguritë që personazhet kryesore po përjetojnë.



The Dog Killers by Ergys Meta | 2016 | Albania | 15'

“Dog Killers” is visually wise film with stunning use of color, light and shadows reminding us of the inevitable circle of life and death.

"Vrasësit e Qenve" është një film vizualisht i goditur me përdorim mbresëlënës të ngjyrave, të dritë-hijes që na kujton ciklin e pashmangshëm të jetës dhe të vdekjes.





composed by Joti Ejlli (Albania), Naser Shatrolli (Kosovo) and Belina Jano (Albania)




Tenderness by Emilia Zielonka | 2016 | Poland | 25'

There is short time for making decisions and the rest to regret. This life is all about love, passion, and fear... Fear of losing, fear of loving, fear of the unknown fear of responsibility. A film with a very sharp line of storytelling, a well set plot, brilliant acting and breathtaking scenes. Very good use of cinematography to bring us in this absurd situation of the characters and yet painful. A fresh and a unique point of view in the topic in itself yet transmitting huge and powerful emotional decisions that we have to deal ourselves. A reminder on how strong and fragile we human beings are.

Nuk kemi shumë kohë për të marrë vendime dhe shumë pengje. Kjo jetë flet për dashurinë, pasionin, dhe frikën... Frika nga humbja, frikë të dashurojmë, frika e frikës së panjohur të “përgjegjësisë”. Një film me një linjë shumë të mprehtë rrëfimi, një subjekt në vijueshmëri të mirë, aktrim i shkëlqyer dhe skena që të lënë pa frymë. Me një përdorim shumë të mirë të kinematografisë, na sjell në këtë situatë absurde të personazheve, njëkohësisht edhe e dhimbshme. Përcjell një pikëpamje të re dhe unike në temën e trajtuar dhe transmeton vendime të mëdha dhe të fuqishme emocionale, të cilat detyrohemi t’i marrim vetë. Na kujton se sa të forta dhe të brishta jemi ne, qeniet njerëzore.



State of Emergency by Tarek Roehlinger | 2016 | Germany | 12'

There is a reason why a human life is worth more than military uniforms. Modern time man is not a ridiculed luggage or the cause of global dirty games. Urban Life and the confrontation with fears, civility and civic order in a mixed society at a French neighborhood, makes characters to find themselves in the trap of a global misunderstanding. And then comes a drunken citizen to eliminate this global intoxication with a gun improvised by his own hands, and with the idea to untune evil ticking in military uniform.

Është një arsye e vetme që jeta e njeriut ka vlerë më shumë sesa uniforma ushtarake. Njeriu i kohës moderne nuk është valixhe përtallëse dhe shkaktar i lojërave të pista globale. Jeta urbane dhe përballja me frikën, me qytetarinë dhe rendin qytetar tek një shoqëri e përzier brenda një lagjeje francize, e cila gjendet në kurthin e një keqkuptimi global. Dhe vjen një qytetar i dehur, që do ta vrasë këtë dehje globale duke improvizuar me duar armën, me idenë për të çakorduar të keqen e kurdisur brenda uniformës ushtarake.





composed by Steve Piccolo (USA), Bruno Muzzolini (Italy) and Vladimir Myrtezaj (Albania)




Anarchy by Fani Zguro | 2014 | Albania | 10’

A readymade of media documents from the past that somehow combine to trigger reflections on the present. The dictation of the definition of ‘anarchy’ becomes a contradiction in terms. The viewer is prompted to search for the roots (ethnic, economic, generational) of disorder in the world.

Dokumente të gatshme të Medias nga e kaluara që në njëfarë mënyre kombinohen për të nxitur reflektime mbi të tashmen. Përkufizimi i fjalës "anarki" kthehet në një kontradiktë termash. Shikuesi nxitet të kërkojë rrënjët (etnike, ekonomike apo të brezave), rrënjët e rrëmujës në botë.






My Feral Heart by Jane Gull | 2016 | United Kingdom | 83'





Shooting Star by Lyubo Yonchev | 2015 | Bulgaria | 28'




BEST DEBUT FILM “Ron Holloway”

We Don't Bury Animals by Thibaut Charlut | 2016 | France | 30'





composed by Alda Bardhyli, Alma Mile, Anisa Ymeri, Ben Andoni, Beti Njuma, Fatmira Nikolli and Jonida Hitoveizi




Klezmer by Piotr Chrzan |2015| Poland | 95'

In the film of the Piotr Chrzan, Media’s Jury estimated the treatment of a past subject throw an very interesting angle, where Jews are real victims in front of suspicious moral feeling of a people which have in its shoulder the bad reaction to this population. Media praises also the fact that struggle between mercy and rewards finds a very interesting solution.

Në filmin e Piotr Chrzan juria vlerësoi trajtimin e një teme në një kënd shumë interesant, ku hebrenjtë janë viktimat e vërtetë të heshtur, përballë këndvështrimit dyshues moral, të një populli që i rëndon shumë sjellja ndaj hebrenjve dhe ku lufta mes mëshirës dhe premtimit të shpërblimit gjen një zgjidhje tepër interesante.






At the Border by Laurent Rouy | 2016 | Serbia | 17'


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