1. A New Home by Žiga Virc | 2015 | Slovenia | 14'
2. A/K by Olivier Van Hoofstadt | 2016 | France | 10'
3. Adaptation by Bartosz Kruhlik | 2016 | Poland | 24'
4. Anna by Or Sinai | 2015 | Israel | 24'
5. Anonymous by Ivan Sokolov | 2016 | Spain | 13'
6. Aria of Life by Mingzhu Ma | 2015 | China | 15'
7. At the Border by Laurent Rouy | 2016 | Serbia | 17'
8. Bitchboy by Måns Berthas | 2016 | Sweden | 15'
9. Blue Borsalino by Mark Lobatto | 2015 | England | 16'
10. Breathe by Just Philippot | 2015 | France | 24'
11. Dobro by Marta Hernaiz Pidal | 2016 | Mexico, Bosnia & Herzegovina | 15'
12. Down From Heaven by Sasha Stanishik | 2016 | Macedonia | 20'
13. Eden Hostel by Gonzaga Manso | 2016 | Spain | 14'
14. Emily Must Wait by Christian Wittmoser | 2016 | Germany | 12'
15. Everything Will Be Okay by Patrick Vollrath | 2015 | Austria | 30'
16. False Flag by Asier Urbieta | 2016 | Spain | 11'
17. Fighting for Death by Eleonora Veninova | 2016 | Macedonia | 15'
18. First Like by Alexander Ronnberg | 2016 | Sweden | 3'
19. Harmonies by Eurydice Calméjane | 2015 | France | 21'
20. Home by Daniel Mulloy | 2016 | United Kingdom | 20'
21. Juliet by Marc Henri Boulier | 2015 | France | 12'
22. Kittiwakes by Iain Mitchell | 2016 | United Kingdom | 13'
23. Lila & Valentin by Adrien Lhommedieu | 2015 | France | 19'
24. Limbo by Konstantina Kotzamani | 2016 | Greece | 30'
25. Love Is a Sting by Vincent Gallagher | 2015 | Ireland | 18'
26. Mad Dogs by Danae Papaioannou | 2016 | Greece, Cyprus | 12'
27. Manodopera by Loukianos Moshonas | 2016 | Greece | 28'
28. Normal by Vadim Lasca | 2015 | Venezuela | 17'
29. On the Run by Gianguido Spinelli | 2015 | France | 12'
30. Picnic by Jure Pavlovic | 2015 | Croatia | 13'
31. Room for Rent by Enock Carvalho, Matheus Farias | 2016 | Brazil | 20'
32. Said's Cremation by Julien Sicard | 2015 | France | 29'
33. Stella by Massimiliano D'Epiro | 2016 | Italy | 18'
34. The Forgotten by Alexander Korolev | 2016 | Russia | 28'
35. The Mantis by Elena Polyakova | 2016 | Russia | 25'
36. The Pain by Ali Asgari | 2015 | France | 15'
37. The Pain Remains by Vladimir Taleski | 2016 | Macedonia | 14'
38. The Salt Man by Seyed Sajad Moosavi | 2015 | Iran | 15'
39. The Silence by Farnoosh Samadi, Ali Asgari | 2016 | Italy, France | 15'
40. The Sled by Emanuela Ponzano | 2016 | Italy | 19'
41. The Tip by Esteban Crespo | 2015 | Spain | 10'
42. Tomorrow Is Not Another Day by David Martín de los Santos | 2015 | Spain | 24'
43. Wall by Maya Tsamprou | 2015 | Greece | 13'
44. We Don't Bury Animals by Thibaut Charlut | 2016 | France | 30'
45. Where Water Comes Together... by Gianluca Mangiasciutti, Massimo Loi | 2016 | Italy | 14'
46. Your Steps by Max Kubrinskiy | 2016 | Russia | 21'