Animation (official selection - TIFF 2015)

Farhad Najafi RAD
Iran | 2015 | 2’30’’
A man pushes a huge cube while we meet the indifference of the people around him.
Spain | 2015 | 4’36’’
Chema is an expat architect from Spain who lives in Amsterdam. He has built up a new life there as a wind-up toy maker. He creates small pieces of art from recycle items.
Spain | 2014 | 13’25’’
Deisy wants to be a mother but she has doubts. However, life opens a way and in her womb a baby grows and looks? at her as no one else has before?. One day, the baby is born and she greets him singing. Sand. Earth. Life and all the women of the world?
Hofmann JOEL
Switzerland | 2015 | 8’31’’
What is disguised in the haze will only be revealed from up close.
On top of a mountain a soldier protects his town from threat lurking beneath the fog. One day a mishap forces him to confront his fears. In the process he realizes that not e verything unknown hides great danger.
Gökalp GÖNEN
Turkey | 2015 | 8’40’’
Rusty machines living in their small houses, imagine that the sun will come and take them to the sky someday. A small light, keeps them alive and dreaming. But one of the machines wants to see the sun itself and he has a plan for that.
Jossie Malis
Spain | 2014 | 11’54’’
A man pushes a huge cube while we meet the indifference of the people around him.
Spain | 2015 | 4’36’’
Early 20th century. Saint Petersburg. A boy and a girl meet at the Tsarskoselsky railway station, but get separated a few moments later. As they grow up,
the two walk the same streets of Petersburg. However, only twenty years
later the mystical connection which emerged between them in childhood, brings these young people back to the place where they had first met.
Julien ARNAL
France | 2015 | 6’06’’
The body of a man is forever marked by the horrors of war.
Canada | 2014 | 3’22’’
Beings who exist in a world by hanging from ropes are all engaged in a struggle to avoid falling into the void below.
Farnoosh ABEDI
Iran | 2014 | 10’45’’
The old man who lives his son they have no good relation!