News 2015
Awards - TIFF 13'th edition
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The Jury composed by

Srdjan Dragojevic (Serbia), Yoram Kahana (USA), Yorgos Tsemberopoulos (Greece)


BABAI by Visar Morina

Produced by Nicole Gerhards, Visar Krusha

Drama | Germany, Kosovo, Macedonia, France | 2015 | 103’

A film about trust moves with effective simplicity through the voyage of an exceptional 10-year-old boy. Experiencing through his eyes the fear of his father deserting him, we feel the harshness of illegally migrating, away from what should be his Home.

Një film mbi besimin, që të prek me thjeshtësinë e tij efikase përmes udhëtimit të një djali të jashtëzakonshëm 10 vjeçar. Duke përjetuar përmes syve të fëmijës frikën nga braktisja e të atit, mund të ndjejmë nga afër vështirësitë e tij në emigracion e larg shtëpisë.



Panos H. Koutras

XENIA | Drama | Greece, France, Belgium | 2014 | 134’

For the effective handling of different story-lines into a homogenous well-crafted film, with expertise in all aspects of film directing.

Për trajtimin efikas të një sërë historish të veçanta, të cilat më pas krijojnë një film homogjen, solid e me ekspertizë të gjerë në të gjithë fushat e regjisë së filmit.



Panos H. Koutras, Panagiotis Evangelidis

XENIA | Drama | Greece, France, Belgium | 2014 | 134’

For the complexity of a script dealing with human and political issues combined in the uniform narrative of a road-movie.

Për kompleksitetin e trajtimit të skenarit, ku çështjet njerëzore dhe politike kombinohen në narrativën uniforme të një road-movie.



Jonathan Ricquebourg

BANAT | Drama | Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia | 2015 | 82’

For a deliberate camera that doesn’t just describe the story and the faces, but penetrates into the dilemmas and desperation of the main characters.

Për kamerën e kujdesshme, që nuk përshkruan vetëm historinë dhe fytyrat, por depërton në dilemat dhe dëshpërimin e personazheve kryesorë.

BEST EDITING “Luc Barnier”

Karel Dolak

PIKADERO | Comedy, Drama | Spain, UK | 2015 | 99’

For the discreet and ascetic editing exclusively in the service of a playful storytelling.

Për montazhin diskret dhe asketik, që vendoset tërësisht në shërbim të narrativës së gjallë.

Special Achievement in Acting

Barbara Goenaga

PIKADERO | Comedy, Drama | Spain, UK | 2015 | 99’

For her subtle minimal acting, perfectly combining comedy and drama.

Për aktrimin e hollë dhe minimalit, ku kombinohet në mënyrë të shkëlqyer komedia e drama.


The Jury composed by

Dov Keren (Israel), Lendita Zeqiraj (Kosova), Jacopo Chessa (Italy):


EXCURSION by Adrian Sitaru | Romania | 2014 | 19’

For its extraordinary cinematic narration from the perspective of a child displaying a full dimension of everyday life.

r narrativën e jashtëzakonshme kinematografike, ku nga perspektiva e një fëmije pasqyrohet dimensioni i plotë i jetës së përditshme.


THE ROOSTER by Aleksey Nuzhny | Russia | 2015 | 21’

Sad, romantic, but yet funny and uplifting story about love.

Një histori dashurie e trishtuar, romantike, por në të njëjtën kohë humoristike dhe frymë.

Special Mention

THE HORSE by Yll Citaku & Alban Ukaj | Kosova | 2014 | 14’


IN YOUR EYES by Julien Arnal | France | 2015 | 6’

For its powerful use of the light and shadow and its esthetic and technical animation skills in storytelling.

Për përdorimin e fuqishëm të dritëhijes dhe përdorimit të animacionit estetik dhe teknik në narrativë.


INVISIBLE by Zofia Pregowska | Poland | 2014 | 22’

For subtle and emotional portraying of the life through the personality, passion and determination of a 90 years old poet.

Për portretizimin delikat dhe të ndjeshëm të jetës përmes karakterit, pasionit dhe vendosmërisë së një poeteshe 90 vjeçare.


CELLULOID ME by Sholeh Zahraei | Cyprus | 2014 | 3’

For the artistic and philosophical point of view of human through very personal inspiration of the filmmaker.

Për këndvështrimin artistik dhe filozofik të njeriut përmes inspirimit shumë personal e regjisores.


The Jury composed by

Dimitar Nikolov (Macedonia), Elektra Venaki (Greece), Nehir Tuna (Turkey):


CHEERS by Norika Sefa | Fiction | Kosova | 2015 | 27’

For the ability to depict the men’s world, the sensitive approach of the coming of age issue, the subtle evolution of the characters, the realistic dialogues and the excellent direction of the actors, especially of the young one, the maitrise of framing, the pace and rhythm contribute elegantly and intelligently to the unique storytelling atmosphere.

Për aftësinë e përshkrimit të botës njerëzore, qasjes së ndjeshme ndaj fenomenit të plakjes, zhvillimin delikat të personazheve, dialogëve realiste dhe regjisë së shkëlqyer të aktorëve, kryesisht më të riut prej tyre, ku zotërimi i kamerës, koha dhe ritmi kontribuojnë në mënyrë elegante dhe inteligjente në atmosferën unike të narrativës.

Special Mention

CAPSULE by Irdit Kaso | Fiction | Albania | 2015 | 19’

For its cinematic language and good visual storytelling.

Për fjalorin kinematografik dhe narrativën e mirë vizuale.

Special Achievement in Acting

Andi Bajgora

CHEERS | Fiction | Kosova | 2015 | 27’

SHOK | Fiction | Kosova | 2015 | 21’


The competition was so interesting, that we decided, we felt we have to give recognition to the impressive acting, of maybe the youngest actor of the festival.

Konkurrimi ishte aq interesant saqë vendosëm t´i jepnim çmim për aktrimin e shkëlqyer aktorit më të ri të festivalit.




BELONGING by Serkan Ertekin | Fiction | Turkey | 2015 | 30’

For the skillful synthesis of diverse cinematic elements and the effective mix of the realistic approach with fantasy, in order to offer a catharsis to the heroes; for the tenderness that emerges by the cinematic vocabulary and defines the author's style; for the pertinent, not explicit but implicit gaze on the contemporary life in our cities.

Për sintezën efikase të elementeve të ndryshëm kinematografikë dhe ndërthurjes së realitetit me fantazinë, për të krijuar katarsisin e personazheve kryesore; për ndjeshmërinë e fjalorit kinematografik që karakterizon stilin e autorit; për një vështrim të nënkuptuar të jetës bashkëkohore në qytetet tona.



BREATH by Artur Gorishti | Fiction | Albania | 2015 | 15’


The Jury composed by

Fatmira Nikolli (Gazeta Shqiptare), Artur Nura (A1 Report TV), Luela Myftari (Vizion + TV)


KENNELS by Massimiliano D'Agostino, Gaspare Russo | Fiction | Italy | 2015 | 16’

For the allegory used to describe the attitude of the social class in power towards the poor and the efforts of the latter to escape the cage and find freedom.

Për alegorinë mbi përballjen e sjelljen e pushtetit me shtresën e varfër dhe përpjekjen e kësaj të fundit për të dalë nga kafazi e për të gjetur lirinë.

Special Mention

BABAI by Visar Morina | Drama | Germany, Kosovo, Macedonia, France | 2015 | 103’

For the vision and the treatment of the Albanian immigrants and the road full of hardships towards the closed-up West, an issue that was widely treated by the media.

Për vizionin dhe trajtimin e shqiptarëve si emigrant dhe rrugën e vështirë drejt perëndimit të mbyllur, një problem që media e ka trajtuar gjerësisht.



THE ROOSTER by Aleksey Nuzhny | Fiction | Russia | 2015 | 21’




DREAMLAND by Xhulio Joka | Experimental | Albania | 2014 | 18’


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§ The Dove Flyer (Farewell Baghdad) by Nissim Dayan | Drama | Israel | 2013 | 105’

§ Cash Only by Malik Bader | Crime, Drama, Thriller | USA | 2015 | 91’

European premiere


§ The Waiting (Pritja) by Roland Sejko | Documentary | Albania | 2015 | 60’

SPECIAL PROGRAM 13th Edition TIFF 2015
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  1. La Rabbia (The Anger ) by Pier Paolo Pasolini | Documentary | Italy | 1963 | 78’
  2. Uccellacci e Uccellini (The Hawks and the Sparrows) by Pier Paolo Pasolini | Comedy, Drama | Italy | 1966 | 91’
    Nominated Palme d'Or Cannes Film Festival 1966
  3. Il Decameron (The Decameron) by Pier Paolo Pasolini | Comedy, Drama, History | Italy, France, Germany | 1971 | 112’
    Won Silver Bear, Berlin International Film Festival 1971


FOCUS | Serbian Film Center

  1. Holidays in the Sun by Srdjan Dragojevic | Drama | Serbia, Montenegro | 2014 | 89’
  2. Little Budo by Danilo Bećković | Comedy | Switzerland, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia | 2014 | 97’
  3. No One's Child by Vuk Ršumović | Drama | Serbia, Croatia | 2015 | 93’
    Won Audience Award (Critics' Week), Venice Film Festival 2014
    Won FIPRESCI Prize-Orizzonti and International Critics' Week, Venice Film Festival 2014

THE LIFE IS SHORT | Italian Short Center

1. America by Alessandro Stevanon | Fiction | Italy | 2014 | 12’41’’

2. Champ des Possibles by Cristina Picchi | Experimental Documentary | Canada, Italy, Sweden | 2015 | 14’

Premier at 72nd Venice International Short Film Festival, 2015 – Short Film Competition

3. Chickenpox (Varicella) by Fulvio Risuleo | Fiction | Italy | 2015 | 14'
54th Semaine de la Critique Cannes 2015• Best Short Film

4. Dalila by Magda Guidi | Animation | Italy | 2015 | 5’24’’

5. Orizzonti! Orizzonti! by Anna Marziano | Documentary | Italy, France, Germany | 2014 | 11’22’’
Premiered at Toronto International Film Festival, International Competition, 2014

6. Persefone by Grazia Tricarico | Fiction | Italy | 2014 | 18’

7. The Suitcase by Pier Paolo Paganelli | Animation | Italy | 2015 | 14’51’’
Nominated Best Short Film David di Donatello Awards, 2015


WOMEN TO WOMEN | Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica, A.C. Mexico

1. 400 Bags by Fernanda Valadez | Fiction | México | 2014 | 22’

2. Clean Sex by Maria Conchita Diaz | Fiction | México | 2015 | 13’

3. Lagunas by Laura Baumeister | Fiction | México | 2014 | 14’

4. Oak Leaves by Paulina Rosas | Fiction | México | 2015 | 30’

5. Spring by Tania Castillo | Fiction | México | 2014 | 18’


MARUBI Generations | Academy of Film and Multimedia, Albania, 2005-2015

  1. Free Time by Kreshnik Serjani | Fiction | 2009 | 11’
  2. I’m from Albania by Sabir Kanaqi | Documentary | 2007 | 18’
  3. Laugh & Cry by Mirel Gjyzari, Reard Gjermani | Documentary | 2008 | 19’
  4. Magnet by       Silvio Spahiu | Documentary | 2013 | 16’
  5. My Grandmother by Jurgen Agushi | Documentary | 2015 | 34’
  6. Ordinary Thursday by Jela Rodoni | Fiction | 2012 | 14’
  7. Shati by Arian Dalladaku | Fiction | 2014 | 14'
  8. Stone Water by Ervin Kotori | Fiction | 2010 | 18’
  9. The Gambler by Reard Gjermani | Fiction | 2009 | 20’
  10. The Recycle Store by Borin Leka | Documentary | 2005 | 5’
  11. Time for a Choice by Soena Lame | Fiction | 2010 | 10’
  12. Where is Enver Hoxha? by Matthias Schwelm | Documentary | 2006 | 21’
  13. Words & Deeds by Amos Zaharia | Fiction | 2010 | 14’
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  1. Across the Sea by Pierre Maillard | Drama | Switzerland, Albania | 2015 | 106’
  2. Amsterdam Express by Fatmir Koçi | Drama, Romance | UK, Albania, Netherlands, Germany | 2014 | 93’
  3. Babai by Visar Morina | Drama | Germany, Kosovo, Macedonia, France | 2015 | 103’
  4. Banat by Adriano Valerio | Drama | Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia | 2015 | 82’
  5. Index Zero by Lorenzo Sportiello | Sci-Fi | UK, Italy | 2014 | 82’
  6. Pikadero by Ben Sharrock | Comedy, Drama | Spain, UK | 2015 | 99’
  7. Raul by Matías Venables | Drama | Chile | 2014 | 73’
  8. She Comes Back on Thursday by André Novais Oliveira | Documentary | Brasil | 2014 | 108’
  9. Sworn Virgin by Laura Bispuri | Drama | Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Albania, Kosovo, France | 2015 | 87’
  10. Xenia by Panos H. Koutras | Drama | Greece, France, Belgium | 2014 | 134’



  1. A Serious Comedy by Lander Camarero | Spain | 2014 | 30’
  2. A Tree in the Sea by Shahir Zag | United Arab Emirates | 2015 | 18’35’’
  3. Are You Tough Enough by Michael Schmidt-Olsen | Denmark | 2015 | 7’
  4. Bad Hunter by Sahim Omar Kalifa | Belgium, UAE, Iraq | 2014 | 14’
  5. Belonging by Serkan Ertekin | Turkey | 2015 | 30’
  6. Bittersweet by Michal Wawzrzecki | Poland | 2014 | 18’45’’
  7. Breath by Artur Gorishti | Albania | 2015 | 15’
  8. Champion by Måns Berthas | Sweden | 2015 | 19’24’’
  9. Excursion by Adrian Sitaru | Romania | 2014 | 19’28’’
  10. Forever Young by Spiros Charalambous | Greece | 2014 | 21’25’’
  11. Ice Water by Jalal Saedpanah | Iran | 2015 | 14’50’’
  12. I've Just Had a Dream by Javi Navarro | Spain | 2014 | 7’25’’
  13. Joanna by Panagiotis Fafoutis | Greece | 2015 | 9’15’’
  14. Kennels by Massimiliano D'Agostino | Italy | 2015 | 16’31’’
  15. Mashka by Igor Kagramanov | Russia | 2014 | 26’
  16. Mother Virgin No More by Derya Durmaz | Turkey | 2015 | 7’15’’
  17. Prosefhi (Greek School Prayer) by Thanasis Neofotistos | Greece | 2014 | 20’
  18. She Bought it is Zarausz by Aitor Arregi | Spain | 2014 | 15’39’’
  19. Shirt Sleeve by Suela Bako | Albania | 2015 | 14’17’’
  20. Sonderkommando by Nicola Ragone | Italy | 2015 | 19’10’’
  21. Ten Buildings Away by Miki Polonski | Israel | 2015 | 25’
  22. The Field by Asier Altuna | Spain | 2014 | 12’31’’
  23. The Horse by Yll Citaku & Alban Ukaj | Kosova | 2014 | 14’20’’
  24. The Rooster by Aleksey Nuzhny | Russia | 2015 | 21’
  25. The Seed by Barney Frydman | Belgium | 2015 | 20’46’’
  26. The Substitute by Nathan Hughes-Berry | UK | 2015 | 23’06’’
  27. The Time of a Young Man About to Kill by Neritan Zinxhiria | Italy, Albania | 2015 | 19’46’’
  28. The Translator            by Emre Kayiş | UK | 2014 | 23’
  29. Travelling by Karolina Zaleszczuk | Poland | 2015 | 23’27’’
  30. Useful Area by David Cervera Sanchez | Spain | 2014 | 4’34’’
  31. Wayward by Kira Richard Hamen | Denmark | 2014 | 19’39’’



  1. Cube by Farhad Najafifard | Iran | 2015 | 2’30’’
  2. Golden Shot by Gökalp Gönen | Turkey | 2015 | 8’40’’
  3. In Your Eyes by Julien Arnal | France | 2015 | 6’06’’
  4. Portrait of a Wind-Up Maker by Darío Pérez | Spain | 2015 | 4’36’’
  5. Pull the Trigger by Jossie Malis | Spain | 2014 | 11’54’’
  6. Religatio by Jaime Giraldo | Canada | 2014 | 3’22’’
  7. Sand Mother by Didi Rodan | Spain | 2014 | 13’25’’
  8. Shades of Gray by Alexandra Averyanova | Russia | 2014 | 6’28’’
  9. The Old Tree by Farnoosh Abedi | Iran | 2014 | 10’45’’
  10. The Valley Below by Joel Hofmann | Switzerland | 2015 | 8'31''


  1. A Film by Abigail by Paul Vernon | UK | 2014 | 5'26’’
  2. Cinema Road by Nikos Theodosiou | Greece | 2015 | 15’05’’
  3. Daphné or the Lovely Specimen by Sébastien Laudenbach & Sylvain Derosne | France | 2014 | 14’16’’
  4. Invisible by Zofia Pregowska | Poland | 2014 | 22’05’’
  5. Sayachapis by Marie soleil Henri Foisy | Canada | 2014 | 20’47’’
  6. Skyline Memory Vanish in the Air by Beatriz Ruibal | Spain | 2015 | 23’25’’
  7. Where is my Mother's House by Selma Nayebi | Iran | 2014 | 15’


  1. Action Painting No.1-No.2 by Krefer & Turca | Brasil | 2014 | 6’45’’
  2. Celluloid Me by Sholeh Zahraei | Cyprus | 2014 | 3’
  3. Des Baisers Froids Comme la Lune by Consuelo Frauenfelder & Stefan Lauper | Switzerland | 2014 | 12’08’’
  4. Dimensions of Belonging by Richard Soriano Legaspi | Philippines, Italy | 2014 | 4'24’’
  5. First Contact by Dimitris Argyriou | Lithuania | 2014 | 6’54’’
  6. Forgotten Ritual by Mirjam Hlastan | Germany | 2015 | 10’21’’
  7. Irminsul by Jolan Auzeby, Julien Comman, Célia Hanini, Kopsès Laforêt, Liza Van Den Bergh | France | 2015 | 5’25’’
  8. Jan Peeters by Miguel López Beraza | Spain | 2015 | 7'41’’
  9. Mouldy Memories by Edina Csüllög, Anti Naulainen, Helen Unt | Estonia | 2014 | 12’
  10. The Loops of Emptiness by Gabrielė Labanauskaitė & Adomas Jablonskis | Lithuania | 2015 | 9'38’’
  11. Triptyque by Camille Mikolajczak | Belgium | 2014 | 5’50



  1. 5 Euro by Don Raça | Fiction | Kosova | 2015 | 4’23
  2. 8 by Lorena Hida | Experimental | Albania | 2015 | 8’
  3. Building on Sand by Kejd Kuqo | Documentary | Canada | 2014 | 8’21’’
  4. Capsule by Irdit Kaso | Fiction | Albania | 2015 | 18’54
  5. Chasing the Sun by Natasha Bega | Fiction | Albania | 2015 | 30’
  6. Cheers by Norika Sefa | Fiction | Kosova | 2015 | 27’38’’
  7. Dreamland by Xhulio Joka | Experimental | Albania | 2014 | 18’07’’
  8. It Has no Title by Elirë Xhemaili & Benet Nelku | Experimental | Albania | 2015 | 24’44’’
  9. Liberation by Burim Haliti | Fiction | Kosova | 2015 | 28’46’’
  10. Pandora by Arlinda Morina | Experimental | Kosova | 2014 | 25’37’’
  11. Retirement Day by Fisnik Muji | Fiction | Kosova | 2015 | 14’07’’
  12. Shok by Jamie Donoughue | Fiction | Kosova | 2015 | 21’05’’
  13. The Innocent by Amir Vitija | Fiction | Kosova | 2015 | 14’50’’
  14. The Little Branch by Bertrand Shijaku | Animation | Albania | 2015 | 10’20’’
  15. The Very Same by Armand Vellahu | Fiction | Albania | 2014 | 25’
  16. Think Twice by Naser Shillova | Animation | UK | 2015 | 7’42’’
  17. Three by Arian Dalladaku | Fiction | Albania | 2015 | 14’16’’
  18. Where is Don by More Raça | Fiction | Kosova | 2015 | 10’09’’
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TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL has the pleasure to announce four major new services available for applicants:  TIFF.TV Competition, TIFF Online Library, TIFF Market Corner and TIFF on Tour.
Since its inception in 2003, TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL receives over 15,000 short films from over 107 countries around the world. Out of all these applications only 100 films can be chosen each year for the competition program. With these three new services, Tirana IFF offers the opportunity to many films to be shown in alternative ways (TV, online, market, special programs) in a wider audience and experts.
The applicants must apply clearly for each one of these new services. Fill the appropriate field in the entry form.

  1. TIFF.TV Competition
    With our partners, DigitAlb TV we offer the possibility to directors screening their films (selected for the official competitive program or not) to the Albanian audience and win the TV audience awards in the following categories:  Best DigiFeature, Best DigiFiction, Best DigiAnim, Best DigiDoc, Best DigiExp.

  2. TIFF Online Library
    With our partners altcine and altcineAction! TIFF offer the online presentation of each film, in a dedicated page, as a part of a film library, with all related information and with the possibility to receive comments from the international Internet audience and industry.  The screening of films is open to anyone without charges. The films will be available for viewing in the film library as long as director/producer wishes.

  3. TIFF Market Corner
    TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL will create a market corner during the nine days, where potential buyers can watch all films and make their selection. Tirana IFF will also act as a festival promoter and distributor. In case of financial contract with a distributor, Tirana IFF will receive a fee of 5%.

  4. TIFF on Tour

Tirana IFF will act as ambassador for the submitted films and will travel with a selection to other Albanian cities during the year. TIFF will also propose special screenings to other regional festivals in accordance to a specific subject or theme of each collaborative festival.

I want to participate in the following sections:
  • Competition
  • Non-Competition
  • Feature Film Competition
  • Short Film Competition
  • In Albanian Film Competition
I want to participate in the following services:
  • TIFF.TV Competition (one year of rights)
  • TIFF Online Library (five years of rights)
  • TIFF Market Corner (two year of rights)
  • TIFF on Tour (five years of rights)

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