Quando c’era Berlinguer
Quando c’era Berlinguer


Quando c’era Berlinguer


Who was Enrico Berlinguer? What trace did he leave in the colletive memory thirty years after the death on June 11, 1984, after the illness that struck him during his last passionate speech? Who was that man, hailed in Piazza San Giovanni crowd of more than a million people?


2014 / Italy / HD / 1:51:27 /


Walter Veltroni was born in Rome in 1955. In 1996 he assumed the position of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Cultural Heritage in the Prodi government. In 1998 he was elected National Secretary of the Partito Democratico della Sinistra. In 2011 he was elected Mayor of Rome. Over the years he has published several books: Il PCI e la questione giovanile; A dieci anni dal ’68 intervista con Acchille Occhetto; Il sogno degli anni sessanta; Il calcio e’ una scienza da amare; Io e Berlusconi (e la Rai); I programmi che hanno cambiato l’Italia. In 1981 he wrote Il sogno spezzato on the figure of Robert Kennedy. In 1994 he dedicated a book to another important figure responsible for his own political development; Enrico Berlinguer ( La storia Interrota- The interrupted Challenge Baldini & Castoldi). In 1994 his attention turned back to Cinema, collecting the reviews written for the magazine Venerdi di Repubblica in a publication titled Certi piccoli Amori follows in 1997 by Certi piccoli amori 2. In 1995 Rizzoli published the book interview made with Stefano del Re; La bella politica. In 1997 he wrote for Baldini Castoldi Governare da Sinistra. In September 2004, he made his debut in fiction with Senza Patricio a collection of five short stories inspired by a trip to Argentina published by Rizzoli. In 2006, he released his first novel La scoperta dell’Alba. In 2009 he released the new novel, Noi. In 2010 he published a monologue for the theater titled Quando cade l’acrobata entrano i clown. In 2013 published a political pamphlet E se noi domani.


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