In grazia di Dio
In grazia di Dio


Three generations of a family has to move back to their picturesque coastal town of their family’s origin and survive off the family farm, after their family company goes bankrupt. A feel-good drama about possibilities after a crises.


2014/ Italy/ 127’/ Fiction/ Color


Edoardo Winspeare


Edoardo Winspeare born in Austria in 1965. After he finished the study moved to New York where follows a course of photography and after that he was graduated in Monaco di Baviera at the Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film. After various documentaries and short movies in 1996 he produced his first feature movie Pizzicata. 2000: Sangue vivo, (nominated at the Nastri d’argento 2001 in the category “ Miglior soggetto”; 2003: Il miracolo, presented at the Venice Film Festival;  2008: I Galantuomini ( in competition at the International Film Festival of Rome 2008);  2008: Documentary La festa che prende fuoco; 2009: Filia Solis; 2009: Celio Azzurro ( Candidate at the Nastri d’argento 2010 at the category “ Best Documentary”); 2013: Documentary  L’anima attesa; 2014: In grazia di Dio, (selected to be part at the International Film Festival of Berlin at the section “Panorama”).


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