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- One of this festival’s entries is the premier of the first Albanian-Britannic coproduction of the essay movie “Here be Dragons” directed by Mark Cousins and produced by Dan Boyd, Genc Përmeti and Ilir Butka. The movie was featured as a world premiere at Telluride’s Film Festival, one of the world’s most prestigious festivals, and comes at TIFF as a national premiere. Director Mark Cousins is invited at TIFF and will also present his movie.

- Nicolas Roegh is the confirmed guest of honor of this festival. He is the author of movies “Performance”, “Walkabout”, “The Man Who Fell to Earth” and more. Roegh is recognized as the author of some of most discussed movies of his time and a rare master of the living, active and true cinematography. For this festival’s audience he will present “Performance”, 1970 featuring Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones.

- Producer Dan Boyd will present for the public the movie “Aria”, 1987, written and directed by ten most famous directors like Jean Luc Godard, Robert Altmann, Ken Russell, Nikolas Roegh, etc. The segment “One Night at the Operadirected by Nikolas Roegh, which investigates King Zog’s assassination attempt in Vienna, 1931.

- Also for the first time, in collaboration with the Institute for Art and Culture of Taiwan, comes the 1993 movie “The Wedding Banquet” by director Ang Lee, winner of Oscar and many other prestigious awards.

- In the context of growing section of BALKAN CINEMA, director Dimitris Koutsiabasakos will present the film "The Grocer" (O Manavis, 2012), long documentary, estimated at several film festivals.

- The famous French director Yves BOISSET comes in Tirana to rescreen after more than 40 years his famous film "The Assadination" (L'attentat, 1972), with one of the most famous cast ever appeared in Albania: Jean-Louis Trintignant, Michel Piccoli, Gian Maria Volonte, Michel Bouquet, Bruno Cremer, Philippe Noiret, Francois Perier, Roy Scheider, etc, winner of the Silver Award in the Moscow International Film Festival.

- On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Fellini’s death, a month after the premiere at the Venice Film Festival, we thought that it would be a unique opportunity to display on the big screen of TIFF the last biographic film by Maestro Ettore Scola for the Great Federico Fellini.

- Traditional collaboration with the ITALIAN INSTITUTE OF CULTURE this year allows us a unique Sicilian flavor by director Luca Vullo, who will show us through his film language most successful international experiences.

How Strange to be Named Federico: Scola narrates Fellini
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Director: Ettore Scola
Englisht title: How Strange to be Named Federico: Scola narrates Fellini
Original title: Che strano chiamarsi Federico -Sscola racconta Fellini
2011/ Italy/ 93’/ Colour

Script: Ettore Scola, Paola Scola, Silvia Scola; Photography:  Luciano Tovoli; Editing:  Raimondo Crociani; Sound: Alessandro Salvatori;  Leading actors:  Tommaso Lazotti, Maurizio De Santis, Giacomo Lazotti, Giulio Forges Davanzati, Ernesto D'Argenio, Emiliano De Martino, Fabio Morici, Carlo Luca De Ruggieri, Andrea Salerno, Sergio Rubini, Sergio Pierattini, Antonella Attili, Vittorio Marsiglia,  Vittorio Viviani.

The film is a reminiscence/portrait of Federico Fellini, put together by Ettore Scola on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the director’s death. In addition to the richness of the movies made by a peerless master—now the common heritage of audiences all over the world—a devoted admirer recalls the privilege of having known him and the emotions that he stirred in those who listened to him, with his irony and his reflections on “life being a party.

Here be Dragons
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Director: Mark Cousins
Englisht title:  Here be Dragons
Original title:  Here be Dragons
2013/ UK/ HD/ 79’/ Documentary/ Colour

Script: Mark Cousins; Photography:   Mark Cousins; Editing:   Mark Cousins; Leading actors:   Mark Cousins;  Producer:  Don Boyd Genc Permeti

Here be Dragons is an innovative and poetic feature length documentary film about a foreign filmmaker, Mark Cousins, encountering, and becoming passionate about, Albania.
The film starts with Cousins in Scotland, his adoptive home.  He says that before he went to Scotland, he had tourist images in his head, but then he lived there and these were replaced.  He says that we learn by looking.  And so he goes to Albania and looks and learns.  As a filmmaker, he will learn in particular through looking at Albanian films and paintings.

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Director: Donald Cammell & Nicolas Roeg
Englisht title: Performance
Original title:  Performance
1970/ UK/ 105’/ Fiction/ Colour


Script:   Donald Cammell; Photography:  Nicolas Roeg;  Editing:  Antony Gibbs, Brian Smedley-Aston; Music: Jack Nitzsche; Leading actors:   James Fox,  Mick Jagger,  Anita Pallenberg, Michèle Breton, Ann Sidney, John Bindon, Stanley Meadows, Allan Cuthbertson,  Anthony Morton,  Johnny Shannon, Anthony Valentine,  Kenneth Colley, John Sterland,  Laraine Wickens; Producer: Sanford Lieberson

Chas, a violent and psychotic East London gangster needs a place to lie low after a hit that should never have been carried out. He finds the perfect cover in the form of guest house run by the mysterious Mr. Turner, a one-time rock superstar, who is looking for the right spark to rekindle his faded talent.

The grocer
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Director: Dimitris Koutsiabasakos   
Englisht title: The grocer
Original title:  O manavis
2013/ Greece/ 82’/ Documentary/ Colour


Script: Dimitris Koutsiabasakos;  Photography:   Haris Farros; Editing: Apostolis Agrogiannis;  Sound: Vangelis Fampas, Leading actors:   Kostas Anastasiou, Nikos Anastasiou, Sofia Anastasiou, Thymios Anastasiou;  Producer:  KinoLab Productions

Nikos Anastasiou, a greek travelling grocer has been making the same itinerary with his wife Sophia since 1980. Once a week, all year long, starting from Trikala city they visit the abandoned villages of the SW Pindos mountains, a 75 kilometers drive.In the past few years, their two sons, Kostas and Thimios help them. The documentary follows their trip during the four seasons of the year.

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Italia merr pjesë në edicionin e '11-të të Festivalit Ndërkombëtar të Filmit në Tiranë me regjizorin Luca Vullo dhe filmin e tij të fundit ZËRI I TRUPIT (2011): Një mbret i huaj i panjohur nga një e kaluar e panjohur dëshiron të verifikojë vetë atë që ka dëgjuar për aftësinë e sicilianëve për të komunikuar përmes gjesteve dhe lëvizjeve të trupit. Duke marrë shkak nga një legjendë e marrë nga shkrimet eGiuseppe Pitrè, Zëri i trupit është një dokument dramë zbavitëse që e fut shikuesin në një udhëtim në kufi midis fantazisë dhe realitetit, në zbulimi të një prej veçorive më origjinale të popullit sicilian. E shoqërojnë shikuesin në këtë udhëtim sicilianë me emër në botën e spektaklit si Pippo Baudo, Emma Dante, Lucia Sardo, Salvo La Rosa, Mimmo Cuticchios. Made in Sicily është edhe kolona zanore e cila përbëhet nga këngë të grupeve lokale: Agricantus, Tinturia, Ipercussonici.

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Director: Robert Altman - (segment "Les Boréades"), Bruce Beresford -  (segment "Die tote Stadt"), Bill Bryden -  (segment "I pagliacci"), Jean-Luc Godard -  (segment "Armide"), Derek Jarman - (segment "Depuis le jour"), Franc Roddam    - (segment "Liebestod"), Nicolas Roeg -  (segment "Un ballo in maschera") - Ken Russell - (segment "Nessun dorma"), Charles Sturridge- (segment "La virgine degli angeli") - Julien Temple    (segment "Rigoletto")

Englisht title: Aria
1988/ USA/ 90’ / Fiction/ Colour

Ten short pieces directed by ten different directors, including Ken Russell, Jean-Luc Godard, Robert Altman, Bruce Beresford, and Nicolas Roeg. Each short uses an aria as soundtrack/sound (Vivaldi, Bach, Wagner), and is an interpretation of the particular aria.

The assasination
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Director: Yves Boisset
Englisht title:  The assasination
Original title:  L’Attentat
1972/ Italy/ 120’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script: Ben Barzman, Basilio Franchina, Jorge Semprún; Photography:  Ricardo Aronovich;  Editing: Albert Jurgenson;   Music:  Ennio Morricone; Sound:   Jean-Claude Laureux; Leading actors:   Jean-Louis Trintignant, Michel Piccoli, Jean Seberg, Gian Maria Volonté, Michel Bouquet, Bruno Cremer, Daniel Ivernel, Philippe Noiret, François Périer, Roy Scheider, Jacques François, Jean Bouise, Denis Manuel, Marc Mazza; Producer:  Giuliani G. De Negri, Yvon Guézel, Tullio Odevaine.

Sadiel, rebel leader in a North African state, takes refuge in Switzerland in the aftermath of a coup. Aware of the threat posed by Sadiel, the ruthless Colonel Kassar contacts the French security services to help in capturing the political activist. A police informer, Darien, is forced to lure Sadiel to Paris, allegedly to make a television coverage about the Third World. Arriving in Paris, Sadiel is captured and delivered to his opponents. Disgusted by the way he has been manipulated, Darien tries to turn back the clock, unknowing who's dealing with.

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Director: Nicolas Roeg
Englisht title:  Walkabout
Original title:  Walkabout
1971/ UK/ 35mm/ 100’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script: Edward Bond, James Vance Marshall; Photography: Nicolas Roeg; Editing: Antony Gibbs, Alan Pattillo;  Music: John Barry; Leading actors:  Jenny Agutter,  Luc Roeg,  David Gulpilil,  John Meillon, Robert McDarra, Peter Carver,  John Illingsworth,  Hilary Bamberger, Barry Donnelly, Noeline Brown, Carlo Manchini;  Producer:  Si Litvinoff 

Two young children are stranded in the Australian outback and are forced to cope on their own. They meet an Aborigine on "walkabout": a ritualistic separation from his tribe.

The wedding banquet
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Director: Nicolas Daenens
Englisht title:  The wedding banquet
Original title:  Xi yan
1993/ USA/ 106’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Ang Lee, Neil Peng;  Photography:  Lin Jong;  Editing: Tim Squyres;    Music: Chosei Funahara;   Sound: Pamela Martin;   Leading actors:  Ya-lei Kuei, Sihung Lung, May Chin,  Winston Chao,  Mitchell Lichtenstein, Dion Birney,  Jeanne Kuo Chang,  Paul Chen, Chung-Wei Chou, Yun Chung, Ho-Mean Fu; Producer:  Ted Hope

To satisfy his nagging parents, a gay landlord and a female tenant agree to a marriage of convenience, but his parents arrive to visit and things get out of hand.


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