Experimental (official selection - TIFF 2013)

Director: Alexandru Capatoiu Englisht title: 7 Dreams Original title: 7 Dreams 2012/ Hungary & Romania/ Super-8/ 10’/ Experimental / Colour- B&W

Director: Carlo Sampietro Englisht title: Tamburine Buttocks Original title: Bunda Pandeiro 2012/ Brazil/ 35mm/ 2’/ Experimental

Director: Dan Boord & Luis Valdovino Englisht title: Tongue twister variations Original title: Tongue twister variations 2013/ USA/ HD/ 8’/ Experimental/ Colour

Director: Louis Hudson Englisht title: Morris Original title: Morris 2012/ UK/ MiniDv/ 11’/ Experimenal/ Colour

Director: Albert Merino Englisht title: The trace of salt Original title: La trace du Sel 2011/ France/ HD/ 7’/ Experimental/ Colour- B&W

Director: Irena Ristic Englisht title: Unpaired Original title: Nepar 2012/ Serbia/ HD/ 18’/ Experimental/ Colour

Director: Guli Silberstein Englisht title: System error Original title: System error 2013/ UK/ HD/ 4’/ Experimental/ Colour

Director: Driant Zeneli Englisht title: Those who tried to put the rainbow back in the sky Original title: Those who tried to put the rainbow back in the sky 2012/ Albania/ HD/ 7’50’’/ Experimental/ Colour