Feature (official selection - TIFF 2012)
Business As Usual

Director: Valentyn Vasyanovych

Englisht title:   Business As Usual
Original title:   Звичайна справа

2012/ Ukraine/ 35mm/ 88’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Valentyn Vasyanovych, Iya Myslytska;   Photography:  Iurii Dunai;   Editing: Valentyn Vasyanovych;  Music:  Olexandra Morozova;   Sound:  Andriy Rogachov;   Leading actors:   Taras Denysenko, Vitaliy Lineckiy, Lesia Samayeva;  Producer:   Iya Myslytska

Twenty years ago Tolik began writing poetry. Approximately at the same time he entered the Medical Institute. Twenty years ago he looked into future with hope. Today the future appeared and the hope disappeared. He has been working as a psychotherapist in a little municipal clinic for about 10 years. He is tired of his patients and is irritated by his bosses. Forty years old is a perfect age to change one's life.

My destiny

Director: Peter Marcias

Englisht title:  My destiny
Original title:   Dimmi che destino avrò

2012/ Italy/ HD/ 80’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script: Gianni Loy;  Photography:  Alberto Lopez Palacios;   Editing:  Danilo Torre;  Sound: Davide Sardo;  Leading actors Luli Bitri, Salvatore Cantalupo, Andrea Dianetti, Vesna Bajramovic , Davide Careddu, Pietrina Menneas, Nino Nonnis, Merfin Selimovic, Vinettu Sulejmanovic;  Producer:  Gianluca Arcopinto


Alina is a girl of Gypsy origins, who lives and works in Paris since years. Once returned in her native village in Sardinia, nearby Cagliari, she establishes a friendly relationship with Giampaolo Esposito, a fifty years old police chief. In this new dimension, Alina will be forced to face herself and her more intimate emotions, through “a trip” who will take her to reconsider all her past life, her aspirations and, most of all, her real identity. This changeover will mark the end of her youth and the starting point of a maturity that will make her more conscious of her weaknesses. Her past will breakthrough on the future of a young lady who is about to become a woman.

Siberia. Monamour

Director: Slava Ross

Englisht title:  Siberia. Monamour
Original title:  Сибирь. Монамур

2011/ Russia/ 35mm/ 105’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Slava Ross; Photography:  Yury Rayskiy;  Editing:  Igor Litoninskiy;   Music:  Aydar Gaynullin;  Sound:  Arseniy Troitskiy; Leading actors:    Petr Zaichenko, Misha Protsko, Nikolay Kozak; Producer:   Pavel Skurikhin

Siberia. In taiga, in an abandoned village an old man & his grandson wait for the boy’s father, who will never come back. A man & his wife raise three daughters, and that is the only thing that still ties them. A captain, who’s passed through two Caucasian wars, tries to find his place in peace life. The fates of these heroes interlace unexpectedly & dramatically. They need to make their choice again & again, uncovering inward humanity & compassion, that had been forgotten long ago.

The parade

Director: Srdjan Dragojevic

Englisht title:  The parade
Original title:  Parada

2011/ Serbia/ 35mm/ 115’/ Feature/ Colour

Script:  Srdjan Dragojevic;  Photography:  Dusan Joksimovic;  Editing:  Petar Markovic;  Music:   Igor Perovic; Leading actors:   Milos Samolov, Goran Jevtic, Nikola Kojo,  Hristina Popovic, Goran Navojec, Dejan Acimovic, Toni Mihajlovski;  Producer:  Biljana Prvanović

The parade, in a tragicomic way, tells the story about ongoing battle between two worlds in contemporary post-war Serbian society - the traditional, oppressive, homophobic majority and a liberal, modern and open-minded minority.

80 Million

Director: Waldemar Krzystek

Englisht title:  80 Million
Original title:   80 milionów

2011/ Poland/ 35mm/ 105’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Waldemar Krzystek, Krzysztof Kopka; Photography:   Piotr Śliskowski;  Editing: Marek "Mulny" Mulica; Music:   Zbigniew Karnecki; Sound:  Artur Kuczkowski, Kacper Habisiak, Marcin Kasiński; Leading actors:  Krzysztof Czeczot, Piotr Głowacki, Wojciech Solarz, Marcin Bosak, Agnieszka Grochowska, Jan Frycz; Producer:   Sylwester Banaszkiewicz, Marcin Kurek

Poland, Lower Silesia, the beginning of a very cold winter 1981. After the series of entrapments by the Security Service a confrontation between the opposition and the communists seems to be inevitable. Just before the proclamation of martial law a group of young Solidarity activists decide to play va banque and organize a rash action to take out 80 million of the Union money from one of the Wroclaw's banks before the account would be blocked. Security Service officers follow their steps.


Director: Panagiotis Fafoutis

Englisht title:   Paradise
Original title:   Paradeisos

2011/ Greece/ 16mm Super/ 105’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Panagiotis Fafoutis; Photography:   Yorgos Papandrikopoulos; Editing:  Panos Voutsaras;  Music:  George Pallikaris Aka G.Pal;  Sound:  Dimitris Kanellopoulos  Leading actors:   Natassa Zagka, Mihalis Fotopoulos, Constantinos Avarikiotis, Christos Loulis, Olia Lazaridou, Erricos Litsis, Maria Skoula, Andreas Konstantinou;  Producer:  Maria Drandaki

The members of carnival float crew “Paradise”, dressed up as Adam and Eve, exotic birds, creepy crawly snakes and juicy red apples, take part in their local carnival, dancing to samba and techno under the drizzling rain. In the midst of carnival madness, four duets are staking their claim on their own private Paradise...

Small Creatures

Director: Martin Wallace

Englisht title:   Small Creatures
Original title:   Small Creatures

2011/ UK/ HD/ 91’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:   Martin Wallace;  Photography:  Richard Mott;  Editing:  Martin Wallace;   Music: Martin Wallace; Sound:  Brian Nelson, Jim Mulhearn; Leading actors:   Michael Coventry, Tom Pauline, Paul Bamford; Producer:  Martin Wallace

In a world of brutal and careless adults, sometimes it’s hard being a boy. Coggie is 14 and at a crossroads in his life. How does he know which way to turn? When he ignores the advice of his sister, mum and the police, Coggie finds himself in over his head and face to face with Ste, a volatile and troubled bully. For a while now, Ste and Coggie have been ‘friends’ but there’s something not right about it. Ste is jealous of Coggie. Coggie is afraid of Ste. When Coggie refuses to try out Ste’s


Director: Miroslav Ondrus

Englisht title: Vendetta
Original title:   Vendeta

2011/  Czech Republic / HD/ 86’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:   Miroslav Ondrus; Photography:    Martin Strba; Editing:  Marek Opatrny;   Music: Petr Ostrouchov;  Sound:  David Titera;  Leading actors:   Ondrej Vetchy, Oldrich Kaiser;  Producer:   Bionaut


Over the course of just one day, just a few hours, one crime brings together the lives of several people. But nothing is as simple as it seems, because the line between revenge and evil is very, very thin. Who is the murderer, and who is the victim? Violated 14-years-old girl, her father, three young men who have anything but a clear conscience, two crooked policemen and a warden that could maybe help. But to whom?


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