Fiction (official selection - TIFF 2012)

Director: Nicolas Daenens

Englisht title:  27
Original title:  27

2011/ Belgium/ 16mm/ 12’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:    Nicolas Daenens; Photography:    Jo Vermaercke; Editing:    Pieter Verbiest; Leading actors:    Titus De Voogdt; Producer:   Bart Van Langendonck.

A young man leaves his home. He just broke up with his girlfriend. He’s 27 years old and realizes that the older he gets, the less he can take it. When he walks through a busy shopping street to run errands, he is constantly approached by people who want something from him. He always responds in a very unpredictable way…

All Of That

Director: Branislav Milatovic

Englisht title:  All Of That
Original title:   Sve to

2012/ Montenegro/ HD/ 27’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Branislav Milatovic, Ognjen Spahic;   Photography:   Ivan Kostic;  Editing:  Vladimir Radovanovic;   Music:  Milivoje Picuric; Sound:   Novica Jankov&Bobo Stanisic;  Leading actors:   Slavko Stimac Momo Picuric Jovan Miranovic;   Producer:  Ivan Djurovic

Danilo's friend from classroom passed away. Father wants to withdrawn boy's attention from the funeral and the obligations as a president of classroom by going on daily holiday. For father, protecting own child from unkind experience as the funeral by going on fishing, becomes much more difficult task than he expected.

Doors, Doors, Doors

Director: Kreshnik Saraçi

Englisht title:   Doors, Doors, Doors
Original title:   Dyer, Dyer, Dyer

2011/ Albania/ HD/ 24’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script: Kreshnik Saraci; Photography:  Royald Elezaj; Editing:  Klodi Agostini; Animation:  Luan Shkodra;   Music:  Gridi Kraja; Leading actors:  Luli Bitri, Ahmet Pasha, Ardit Saraci, Monika Lubonja, Endri Cela; Producer: Dritan Huqi

The parallel history of six people who live in the same floor of the same building. Their lives are connected in all the ways. Their small rooms, the penetrated walls make their lives without privacy.


Director: Pierluigi Ferrandini

Englisht title:   Greengold
Original title:   Oroverde

2012/ Italy/ HD/ 18’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Pierluigi Ferrandini;  Photography:  Filippo Silvestris;   Editing:   Maurizio Baglivo;  Music:   A.Cinzia Villani, Officina Zoe;  Sound:  Claudio Marani;   Leading actors:  Rebecca Metcalf Marco Lecciso Lucia Fanuli;   Producer:  Dionysia Film s.r.l.

South of Italy, 1935. OROVERDE (GREENGOLD) is the true story of the twelve years old Bianca Panarese, about her hard apprenticeship in a tobacco factory, and about her love for the fifteen years old brother Pietro killed during the protests raised against the closure of the tobacco factory.


Director: Ujkan Hysaj

Englisht title:  Kolona
Original title:   Kolona

2012/ Kosova/ HD/ 22’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:   Besian Hysaj;  Photography:  Samir Karahoda;   Editing:  Ujkan Hysaj; Animation: Vedat Zeka;   Music:  Valton Beqiri; Sound:   Pellumb Ballata;  Leading actors:  Sunaj Raqa, Vlado Jovanovski, Arbnesha Grabovci;  Producer:  Ujkan Hysaj


War. Kosovo 1999. A refugee line is halted at a Serbian checkpoint where the Serb paramilitary take Adem, his son and his brother's son out of the car to shoot them. Adem finds himself in a situation where he has to choose: to save his son or his brother's son.


Director: Roozbeh Dadvand

Englisht title:   Mossadegh
Original title:  Mossadegh

2011/ USA/ HD/ 24’/ Fiction/ Colour& Black&White

Script:  Roozbeh Dadvand, Nathaniel C. Leonard; Photography:  John Harrison;  Editing:  Jeff Chen, TJ Volgare;  Music:  Michael J. Lloyd;  Sound:   Paul Andre Fonarev, David Lankton;  Leading actors:  David Diaan, Sam R. Ross,  Bobby Naderi, Dominic Rains; Producer:  Amber Beard

Iran. 1959. It is six years after the CIA orchestrated coup d’état that overthrew democratic Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh from power. Now living under house arrest and suffering from a life-threatening condition, Mossadegh must decide whether or not to trust a brilliant American physician that is sent to treat him


Director: Carmen Martínez

Englisht title:   Perspire
Original title:   Suda

2012/ Mexico/ 16mm/ 19’/ Fiction/ Colour

Photography:  José Stempa; Editing:  Patricia Martínez; Animation:  Vico Barberán; Music:  Ian Dozol;  Sound:  Nicolás Aguilar;   Leading actors:  Aurora Gil,Nieves Marcos,Lila Avilés,Ericka Ramírez, Manuel Bo;    Producer:   Ximena Urrutia

Sweath released through the skin pores, as a result of existence.

Silent river

Director: Anca Miruna Lăzărescu

Englisht title: Silent river
Original title: Apele Tac

2011/ Germany& Romania/ 16mm/ 30’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Anca Miruna Lăzărescu;  Photography:  Christian Stangassinger;Editing:  Dan Olteanu;  Sound:   Thorsten Bolze, Alexandru Dragomir; Leading actors:   Andi Vasluianu, Cuzin Toma, Patricia Moga; Producer:  David Lindner

Romania, 1986: Gregor and Vali want to get away. Both need each other, yet there is mutual distrust. One night Gregor finds his doubts confirmed. In the end only hope is left.


Director: Vladimir Dembinski

Englisht title:   Tennis
Original title:   Tenis

2012/ Romania/ 35mm/ 15’/ Fiction/ Black&White

Script:  Vladimir Dembinski; Photography:   Vivi Dragan Vasile;  Editing:  Tudor D.Popescu; Sound:  Tudor D.Popescu; Leading actors:  Andi Vasluianu Luca Rotaru Andrei Mateiu;   Producer:  Radu Stancu

Matei is preparing himself today for an important game.He is not afraid of his opponent,but the fact that he goes together with his father

The Man In The Habit Of Hitting Me On The Head With An Umbrella

Director: Vardan Tozija

Englisht title:   The Man In The Habit Of Hitting Me On The Head With An Umbrella
Original title:   Covekot so cudna navika da me udira so cador po glava

2011/ Macedonia/ HD/ 15’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Vardan Tozija; Photography:   Vladimir Samoilovski;  Editing:   Filip Grchevski;  Music:  Aleksandar Pejovski;   Sound:  Igor Popovski;   Leading actors:  Igor Angelov , Miliana Lenak;    Producer:  Ognen Antov 

Every next day in Peter’s life is worse than the previous. Which means, every next day proves to be the worst day of his life, until’ one day, a mysterious, silent visitor appears and pounds Peter’s head with his umbrella. And again. And again. And again, without intention to stop. No matter what Peter does to get rid of this pest, the odd little man is there to stay.

Touch Me

Director: Roy Pascal

Englisht title:  Touch Me
Original title:   Corps solidaires

2011/ France/ Digital Beta/ 28’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script: Roy Pascal; Photography:  Robert Chloé; Editing:  Cuilleron Christian;   Sound: Chabert D'hieres Benoit; Leading actors:  Andre Chloé, Brimeux Nicolas, Mazzarella Marcello, Masiero Corinne;   Producer:   Tamara Setton.

Lucie, home-hairdresser, is moved by Martial's, a young handicapped person, lonelyness. In spite of her own hesitations and of her husband's Vittorio, will Lucie accept to exceed the limits of her mission to help Martial discover his body?

Where There's Smoke

Director: Andrew Brand

Englisht title:   Where There's Smoke
Original title:   Where There's Smoke

2011/ UK/ HD/ 15’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Andrew Brand; Photography:  Andy Parsons; Editing:  Agnieszka Liggett; Sound: Guy Landau; Leading actors:  Lee Sellers Cara Horgan Mark Frost; Producer:   Zorana Pigott

A couple's troubled relationship collides with a stranger's good intentions.


Director: Jorge Mochel Grau

Englisht title:   72
Original title:  72

2011/ Mexico/ HD/ 14’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Jorge Michel Grau; Photography:   Santiago Sanchez; Editing:  Martha Poly R. Mendivil; Music:  Felipe Pérez Santiago;  Sound:   Axel Múñoz Barba;  Leading actors:  Noé Hernández Adriana Paz Marco Antonio Argueta; Producer:  Samuel Sosa


Now seems that in Mexico the only way to get rid of hell is death. The shortest journey to liberation is crossing that border. Life and death are mixed in this shortfilm full of pain, anger and a sad reality. Jerónimo, a Salvadoran who was looking for the American dream, faces the mexican nightmare, the war against drugdeales and its deadly spiral.


Director: Nicolae Constantin Tanase

Englisht title:   Blu
Original title:   Blu

2012/ Romania/ HD/ 20’/ Fiction/ Colour


Script:  Raluca Manescu; Photography:   Daniel Kosuth;  Editing:  Codrin Iftodi;   Music: Cari Tibor; Sound:  Dan-Stefan Rucareanu;  Leading actors: Madalina Craiu Dan Codurache Rodica Negrea;  Producer:  Radu Stancu


The old car of the family breaks down and Mara and her parents try to repair it at least to get it home. But more important than the broken engine, becomes making their relationships work.

Dylan's Room

Director: Layke Anderson

English title:  Dylan's Room
Original title: Dylan's Room

2012/ UK/ HD/ 20’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Layke Anderson; Photography:  Jean-Paul Berthoin; Editing:  Layke Anderson, Alejandro Sesma; Music:  David Bickley, Tom Green, Desert of Hiatus; Sound:  Jeremy Lishman; Leading actors:  Joanna Scanlan, Ricky Nixon; Producer:  Layke Anderson, Jean-Paul Berthoin, Maggie Russell

A mother finds solace in her son's deserted bedroom, rummaging through drawers, making discoveries and confronting the past.

In the still of the nigh

Director: Alexander Rönnberg

Englisht title:   In the still of the night
Original title:   Flicka försvinner

2012/ Sweden/ HD/ 19’/ Fiction/ Colour


Script:  Sara Bergmark Elfgren;    Photography:  Erik Persson;   Editing:  Marianne Koupanportti;   Music:  Max Kiusalaas;  Sound:   Andreas Franck;  Leading actors:   Julia Sporre, Kristoffer Berglund, Magnus Roosmann;  Producer:  Patrick Sobieski

A neo-noir set in 1950s Sweden. Boy meets girl, Boy kidnaps girl. Girl suddenly makes her own demands. For a few hours, a game of high stakes is played. Most desperate will win. And before the night is through, blood will be shed.


Last Day Of The Year

Director: Ying-ting Tseng

Englisht title:   Last Day Of The Year
Original title:  

2012/ Taiwan/   16mm SUPER/ 29’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Ying-ting Tseng; Photography:  Garvin Chan;  Editing:   Kaidi Zan;  Music:  Ming-chang Chen; Sound:  Duu-Chih Tu;  Leading actors:    Xue-feng Lu,Meng-po Fu; Producer:   Shiang-ling Lin

Chief said I can get out of the military camp by noon only if family comes for the reunion visit. Mom, can you come? In a cold December morning, Hsiu-Huang finishes her night shift from the factory. She rushes back home to prepare her son’s favorite food and takes train to the military camp. However, her expectation of going home together fails until she figures out her son planned on meeting his girlfriend in Taipei for the fireworks on New Year’s Eve.

Orlandina über Alles

Director: Mikhail Chernyak

Englisht title:   Orlandina über Alles
Original title:   Orlandina über alles

2011/ Russia/ Betacam/ 14’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Anna Sarukhanova;  Photography:  Danila Goryunkov;  Editing:   Roman Perepyolkin;  Music:   Vasiliy Filatov; Leading actors:   Nika Ksnelashvili, Keti Surguladze, Vakhtang Kirkvalidze, Marisha Osipov; Producer:  Mikhail Chernyak

It’s hard to predict where can lead a shooting of a harmless porno clip, when elementary forgetfulness, crafty calculation and His Majesty the Сase come into play.


Director: Lucas Figueroa

Englisht title:   Prologue
Original title:  Prólogo

2012/ Spain/ HD/ 8’/ Fiction/ Colour


Script:  Lucas Figueroa; Photography: Jaime Rebato;   Editing: Lucas Figueroa;   Music: Lucas Figueroa;    Sound:   Charlie Schmukler, Rodrigo García; Leading actors:   Luis del Cura, Julio Perillán; Producer: Lucas Figueroa

98.9 % of the population is not aware of the fact that our lives could turn 180º in three seconds… at any time.

Start The Engine And Reverse

Director: Andrey Zagidullin

Englisht title:   Start The Engine And Reverse
Original title:   The Vkluchi motor i sday nazad

2012/ Russia/ 35mm/ 4’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Mikhail Arkhipov;    Photography:  Ilya Kondratiev;    Editing:   Eugeniy Klevtsov;  Sound:  Sergey Morozov;   Leading actors:    Lubov Novikova Egor Kharlamov; Producer:  Andrey Zagidullin

A young couple driving on an isolated road knocks over a pedestrian. Their first reaction to assist the man is rapidly rejected because the two lovers have reasons to hide their affair. The girl presses her boyfriend to finish-off the wounded man. The road accident becomes a real murder...

That wasn’t me

Director: Esteban Crespo

Englisht title:   That wasn’t me
Original title:   Aquel no era yo

2012/ Spain/ HD/ 24’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script: Esteban Crespo; Photography:   Angel Amorós; Editing: Vanessa Marimbert;   Music: Juan de Dios Marfil;  Sound:  Lin Chang, Jesús Espada;  Leading actors:   Alejandra Lorente, Gustavo Salmerón, Babou Cham, Mariano Nguema, Alito Rodgers, Jose María Chumo, Alex Ferando, Khalil Diop; Producer:  José Luís Matas-Negrete

"Being a soldier is not difficult: either you get used to it or they kill you. The hardest thing is getting used to living with your memories and being yourself again after doing what you have done"

The Wedding

Director: Marina Seresesky

Englisht title:  The Wedding
Original title:  La boda

2012/ Spain/ HD/ 12’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:   Marina Seresesky; Photography: Roberto Fernández;  Editing:  Julio Salvatierra;  Music:  Willy Solana;  Sound:  Mariano Marín;  Leading actors:   Yailene Sierra, Malena Alterio, Ileana Wilson, Elena Irureta, Yoima Valdés, Esperanza Elipe, Huichi Chiu; Producer: Álvaro Lavín

Mirta is from Cuba and she lives in Madrid. Like many other inmigrants she works cleaning. Today at 6 pm, her daughter gets married. But nothing goes as she planned. To arrive at that wedding will be more difficult than expected.

Vanuatu Or The Happiness

Director: Rafa Piqueras

Englisht title:   Vanuatu Or The Happiness
Original title:   Vanuatu o la felicidad

2011/ Spain/ HD/ 19’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Irene Maldonado;  Photography:  Óscar Montesinos;  Editing:  Vicente Ibáñez;  Music:  Fernando Vela;   Sound:   Héctor Brisa;  Leading actors:  Marta Belenguer, Cristina García, Isabel Carmona, Victoria Enguídanos; Producer:  María José Miguel

Today is Cristina's birthday, she's fourty years old now, and she invites three old friends to celebrate it. In the meeting, some of them remember an old promise, that maybe they should have forgotten, because sometimes the memory is bitter than cyanide.

White Blood

Director: Khayyam Abdullayev, Elmaddin Aliyev

Englisht title:   White Blood
Original title:   Ag Qan

2012/  Azerbaijan/ HD/ 14’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:    Khayyam Abdullayev, Elmaddin Aliyev; Photography:    Elman Aliyev; Editing:   Ilkham Yasharoglu;  Music:    Khayal Mamadov; Sound:   Rasim Mekhtiyev; Leading actors: Svetlana Khakimova, Vagif Kerimov;  Producer:   Zovgu Quliyev

White Blood centres on a nomadic family whose way of life has been destroyed and a wife’s resourcefulness in seeking to realise her husband’s dying wish. The message is that there is always hope.


Director: Kika Nicolela

Englisht title:  Actus
Original title:  Actus

2010/ Brazil/ 4K Red Digital Cinema / 17’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script: Claudia Pucci, Kika Nicolela;  Photography: Ching C. Wang;  Music: Natalia Mallo;    Sound:  Natalia Mallo; Leading actors:   Caco Ciocler,  Paula Picarelli; Producer: Ivan Teixeira, Eduardo Sallouti, Ching C. Wang, Kika Nicolela

A couple trapped in a discussion about a birthday cake and nail polishers. Actus explores the blurred lines between reality and simulation. Departing from the idea of representation, time and space is manipulated in order to provoke a fissure in the otherwise stable relationship between spectator and spectacle.

Dog Leash

Director: Eti Tsicko

Englisht title:  Dog Leash
Original title:  Resen

2012/ Israel/ HD/ 26’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Eti Tsicko; Photography:  Talia Galon;  Editing:  Eitan Vardi;  Sound:  Rotem Dror;   Leading actors:   Maya Gasner Maor Schwietzer Lior Raz Yosef Carmon Chantal Cohen;  Producer:  Atara Frish

Cracks are starting to burst in Marina's frozen life, forcing a search. The journey will take her beyond traditional boundaries, but also lead to more dangerous places.

Ghost In The Machine

Director: Oliver Krimpas

Englisht title:  Ghost In The Machine
Original title: Ghost In The Machine

2011/ UK/ 35mm/ 18’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script: Christopher Coppice, Oliver Krimpas; Photography:  Robbie Ryan, B.S.C.; Editing: Brett Irwin, Oliver Krimpas;   Music:  Michael Malarkey, Stu Kennedy;   Sound:  Edwin Matthews, Simon Matthews;   Leading actors:    Jessica Gunning, Keith Bartlett, Nathan Osgood (voice); Producer:   Anna Davies


A downtrodden farm girl turns the tables on her domineering father with the help of her only friend – a rusting, 60 year-old tractor.


Director: Sarah Winkenstette

Englisht title:   Kidnapped
Original title:   Gekidnapped

2011/ Germany/ HD/ 20’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Sarah Winkenstette;   Photography:   Sin Huh;  Editing:  Juliane Engelmann; Animation:  Markus P. Hammer;   Music:   Matthias Hornschuh;  Sound:   Robert Keilbar;  Leading actors:   Marie Jeanne Gierden, Tom Hoßbach;  Producer:   Academy of Media Arts

11-year-old Ida has abducted her classmate Hannes because she wants him to kiss her. Unconventional and unaccepted, she’s searching for love and affection and a kiss, of course, would be a good place to start.


Director: Piotr Sulkowski

Englisht title:  Miruna
Original title:   Miruna

2012/ Poland/ 35mm/ 20’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script: Piotr Sułkowski; Photography:  Przemysław Brynkiewicz; Editing: Aleksandra Gowin;             Music:  Tomasz Ziętek, Dominik Kowalczyk;  Sound:  Lucyna Wielopolska - Lorenc , Artur Walaszczuk;  Leading actors: Andrzzej Chyra, Anna Gorajska, Henryk Niebudek, Tomasz Schuchardt, Dawid Hara; Producer:  Andrzej Bednarek

After an argument with her lover, a young woman recklessly gets into the parked car of a mysterious stranger. Their brief encounter will lead to mutual attraction, insight and fatal accomplishment, during a journey to the end of the night. Through a maze of colorful flashbacks, intricately related to the main character’s painful past, the destiny of the young woman is inevitably connected to that of an imaginary fish.

Out of the woods

Director: Bledar Bujupi

Englisht title:  Out of the woods
Original title:  Out of the woods

2012/ UK/ HD/ 10’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:   Rick Griffiths;  Editing:    Bledar Bujupi; Music:  Richard Budgers;    Sound:  Sumners Post Production House;  Leading actors:  Christopher Dane; Aiden Driver; Jordan Jessup; Mark Sheals;      Producer:   Stephanie Nurdiansjah

The video speaks about limits of our consciousness, the dimensions that are often difficult to distinguish connect, separated by a conventional border. It is an attempt to challenge what is unknown to us to end of world of illusions, imagination and senses.

Rivers Return

Director: Joe Vanhoutteghem

Englisht title:   Rivers Return
Original title:  Rivers Return

2011/ Belgium/ 35mm/ 11’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Joe Vanhoutteghem;  Photography:   Nicolas Karakatsanis; Editing:   Dieter Diependaele;  Music:  Olafur Arnalds;   Producer:   Eurydice Gysel

Are we struggling to fit in, to go with the flow? Or are we fighting to stand out? Who wants to be in the rat race to end up in a place where there’s no room for personality? Fact is: we will never get any younger although we all believe in the illusion. In the end it’s only a painful cycle of disappointment. This is an accidental film. One scene led to another. A kind of story occurred.

Sweet Mosquito

Director: Audrey Najar & Frédéric Perrot

Englisht title:  Sweet Mosquito
Original title:   Sweet Mosquito

2012/ France/ HD/ 15’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Audrey Najar & Frédéric Perrot;  Photography:  Matthieu Plainfossé;  Editing: Jean- Marie Roignant;  Music:  Alexis Rault;  Leading actors: Benjamin Rolland, Eric Averlant;   Producer:  Yukunkun Productions

Romain Sellier dies of a heart attack at the age of 42. But he’ll soon realize that things don’t end where he thought they would.

The Guard

Director: Marta Popivoda

Englisht title:   The Guard
Original title:  Cuvar

2011/ Serbia/ HD/ 26’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:   Milena Bogavac, Marta Popivoda;  Photography:  Tatjana Krstevski;    Editing:  Natasa Damnjanovic;  Music:   Drasko Adzic;  Sound:  Jakov Munizaba;   Leading actors:   Milos Timotijevic, Milena Moravcevic, Slobodan Pavelkic, Natasa Markovic, Vladislava Djordjevic;  Producer:  Dragana Jovovic 

Bata's understanding of life changes when from a bouncer in a nightclub he becomes a guard in a museum. Though he never set foot in this institution, Bata starts to perceive contemporary art through events involving a controversial painting named Jesus. Passion of Christ, a collage made out of minuscule war and pornographic images, becomes Bata’s metaphor for religion and an illustration of various life principles.Touched by a controversial artwork, he makes excursion from his class milieu.

There she goes

Director: Reg Noyes

Englisht title:  There she goes
Original title:  There she goes

2011/ UK/ Red/ 19’32’’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script: Reg Noyes;  Photography: Chris Openshaw;  Editing:  Reg Noyes; Sound:  Sean Millar; Leading actors:  Colin Salmon, Stephen Wight;  Producer: Reg Noyes. 

Heartbroken Jasper races to the airport to stop the girl of his dreams from leaving and just makes the last train. As Jasper talks to a stranger about his romantic gesture though, doubts about what he's doing start to grow.

Voice Over

Director: Martin Rosete

Englisht title:  Voice Over
Original title:   Voice Over

2012/ Spain/ HD/ 9’/ Fiction/ Colour

Script:  Luiso Berdejo; Photography:  Jose Martin Rosete;  Editing:  Fernando Franco;   Music:  Jose Villalobos;  Sound:  Angel Fraguela, Diana Sagrista, Peter Memmer, Alvaro Lopez;   Leading actors:  Jonathan D. Mellor, Feodor Atkine, Javier Cidoncha, Luna Montignier Peiro;   Producer:  Koldo Zuazua 

The French voice of an old man jumps from one extreme scene to another, confused by the story which he is trying to tell us. Until he finally is aware of it.


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