Director: Sergio Oksman
Englisht title: A Story For The Modlins Original title: A Story For The Modlins
2012 / Spain / HD / 26’ / Documentary / Colour
CREDITS: Script: Carlos Muguiro, Emilio Tomé, Sergio Oksman; Photography: Migue Amoedo; Editing: Fernando Franco, Sergio Oksman; Sound: Carlos Bonmatí; Producer: Sergio Oksman
Synopsis: After appearing in Rosemary’s Baby, Elmer Modlin fled with his family to a far off country and shut himself away in a dark apartment for thirty years.

Director: Kamil Krolak
Englisht title: Fifty People One Question Original title: Fifty People One Question
2011/ Ireland/ DVD/ 11’/ Documentary/ Colour
CREDITS: Script: Kamil Krolak; Photography: Julia Puchovska; Editing: Kamil Krolak; Music: Rachel; Sound: Killian McPartland; Leading actors: People Of Galway Producer: Kamil Krolak
Synopsis: "One Town, 50 different People, One very difficult Question" Short video which connected people from the furthest parts of the world... Its popularity, impact on the audience, media coverage it is receiving on different continents, and popularity all over the globe - is truly amazing.

Director: David Munoz
Englisht title: Another night on earth Original title: Otra noche en la tierra
2012/ Spain/ HD/ 28’/ Documentary/ Colour
CREDITS: Script: David Munoz; Photography: David Munoz; Editing: David Munoz, Alicia Medina; Sound: Beltran Rengifo; Producer: David Munoz
Synopsis: Egypt, a country under revolution. Cairo, a mega-city with the worst traffic in the world. In endless traffic jams, passengers and taxi drivers talk and debate about their present and future. And we discover the details that draw their lives.

Director: Santeri Mäkinen
Englisht title: Lives Original title: Lives
2012/ Finland/ DVD/ 18’/ Documentary/ Black&White
CREDITS: Script: Santeri Mäkinen; Photography: Otso Ahosola, Markus Laitinen; Editing: Eero Lehtinen; Animation: Simo Pitkänen; Music: Aki Silventoinen; Sound: Aki Silventoinen; Leading actors: Hannu Nyberg; Producer: Metropolia Film School / Arto Tuohimaa
Synopsis: Is Elvis Presley dead? Or did he just stage his own death? His death is filled with mysteries, so it isnt any wonder that many of his fans still think he lives. Why is his name misspelled in his gravestone? Why arent we sure where and when his body was found? Is there only a waxdoll in his casket? Did Elvis write in his own death certificate? Hannu Nyberg, a Finnish Rock journalist, has researched the subject and tries to answer that classic question: Is Elvis alive?

Director: Eduardo Montero & Óscar Clemente
Englisht title: Blessed Simulacrum Original title: Bendito simulacro
2012/ Spain/ HD/ 22’/ Documentary/ Colour
CREDITS: Script: Óscar Clemente; Photography: Eduardo Montero; Editing: Eduardo Montero& Óscar Clemente; Music: Julio de la Rosa; Sound: Juan Egoscoazabal; Leading actors: Curro Fernández Enriquez; Producer: Óscar Clemente
Synopsis: The character of a martyr magician, who sacrifices his own capacity to be seduced to have the gift of seduction. A documentary about a religius sculptor- cinema operator - magician. About the human need of tales and representation. About the lies that convinces us.

Director: Aitor Gametxo & Igone Arreitunandia
Englisht title: The typographic city Original title: La ciutat tipogràfica
2012/ Spain/ Digita Beta/ 26’/ Documentary/ Colour
CREDITS: Script: Igone Arreitunandia, Marina Thomé; Photography: Marina Thomé, Sabrina Grajales; Editing: Aitor Gametxo; Music: Mursego; Sound: Marina Thomé, Igone Arreitunandia; Producer: Aitor Gametxo
Synopsis: How does typography interact with people? I dive into a visual universe where letters melt, merge, contrast and finally, state personal and collective identities in the city, and I ask for myself which could identify me.