Director: Beate Hecher& Markus Keim
Englisht title: All Inclusive Original title: All Inclusive
2012/ Austria/ DVD/ 8’/ Experimental/ Colour- Black&White
CREDITS: Script: Beate Hecher & Markus Keim; Photography: Beate Hecher; Editing: Beate Hecher & Markus Keim; Sound: Markus Keim; Leading actors: Markus Keim; Producer: Beate Hecher& Markus Keim
Synopsis: The panoramic view of a hotel ruin in the Egyptian desert the yesterday, that will no longer see the tomorrow a depraved despot in the landscape in snorkeling gear protests... screams... the report of a hotel manager about the supply situation of the First World in Egypt shots a interrupted telephone connection an apocalyptic colonial composition, whose perspective is the zero.

Director: Koldo Almandoz
Englisht title: Deus Et Machina Original title: Deus Et Machina
2012/ Spain/ HD/ 8’/ Experimental/ Colour& Black&White
CREDITS: Script: Koldo Almandoz; Photography: Javi Agirre; Editing: Laurent Dufreche; Music: Joserra Gutierrez, Belako Taldea; Sound: Xabier Agirre, Haritz Lete; Leading actors: Alex Batllori, Fernando Tielve, Alex Angulo, Patxi Santamaria, Itziar Lazkano, Reyes Moleres, Koldo Olabarri, Aida de Sarraga; Producer: Marian Fernandez Pascal
Synopsis: Guille and Alex dont know each other. Each of them leads their lives in their own way. They live according to how they have been taught and raised. Although they come from different worlds, they are united by something their passion for swimming. And today, theres a competition.

Director: Naren Wilks
Englisht title: Lyrebird Soup Original title: Lyrebird Soup
2012/ UK/ HD/ 6’/ Experimental/ Black&White
CREDITS: Music: Minima; Leading actors: Cameron Miller, Brian Elloway; Producer: Naren Wilks
Synopsis: During a visit to a tailor, a man is left alone with a large mirror. Whilst on his own, the mirror starts to play cruel tricks on him, in this take on a classic sketch by the Marx brothers.

Director: Marco Balducci
Englisht title: Catching Ideas Original title: Catching Ideas
2012/ Italy/ Super-8 / 10'/ Experimental/ Colour& Black&White
CREDITS: Script: Marco Balducci; Photography: Marco Balducci; Editing: Marco Balducci; Music: Stefano 66K De Angelis; Sound: Marco Balducci; Leading actors: Marco Balducci, Maria Rita Campagnari; Producer: Marco Balducci
Synopsis: Where ideas come from? It's a mystery. Painting, raping with acids each frame, risking the film as the bullfighter risks his life, looking for a VanGoghian sensation of the color through an continuos combination of complementary colors, I tried with this experimental short film to immerse the viewer into the unified field that pervades us and from which fragments of ideas emerge. All shootings are ORIGINAL and taken with Canon EOS 500D (HD) and Chinon Dart 70 (super 8).

Director: Ivan Tasic
Englisht title: How I lost my wings Original title: Kako sam ostao bez krila
2012/ Serbia/ HD/ 22’/ Experimental/ Colour
CREDITS: Script: Ivan Tasic; Photography: Ivan Tasic, Marko Tasic; Editing: Bob Izvanredni, Ivan Tasic; Music: Danijel Milosevic, Veljko Stojiljkovic, Vladimir Panin; Sound: Danijel Milosevic; Leading actors: Milutin Todorovic, Stevan Zdravic, Tomislav Trifunovic, Sladjana Nestorovic, Katarina Gajic, Ana Matejic, Stefan Zivanovic, Simon Bovan...; Producer: Zoran Eric
Synopsis: Through the series of introspective views on personal conflicts of ideological and iconographic normative with general spiritual and moral thoughts, man, although physically passive, by using his dreams and memories he reconstructs semicentennial period of the country that doesn't exist anymore.

Director: João Vieira Torres
Englisht title: The Bath Original title: Le bain
2012/ France/ MiniDv/ 5’/ Experimental/ Colour
CREDITS: Script: João Vieira Torres; Photography: João Vieira Torres; Editing: João Vieira Torres; Sound: João Vieira Torres; Producer: João Vieira Torres.
Synopsis: A young man religiously undresses and gives a bath to a second boy who, remains strangely, totally impassive, like dead, when...

Director: Maciej Twardowski
Englisht title: Connection Original title: Polaczenie
2011/ Poland/ 35mm/ 4’/ Experimental/ Colour
CREDITS: Script: Maciej Twardowski; Photography: Maciej Twardowski; Editing: Julita Manczak; Music: Julita Manczak; Sound: Julita Manczak; Leading actors: Sejin Ahn, Haukur M Hrafnsson; Producer: Marcin Malatynski
Synopsis: A short story inspired by the structure of the ice, it's shapes, sounds and geometrical figures it forms. Two men surrounded by frozen landscapes get connected in a mysterious way.

Director: Natalia Warth
Englisht title: Kino Original title: Kino
2012/ Brazil/ HD/ 13’/ Experimental/ Colour
CREDITS: Script: Natalia Warth; Photography: Angelo Stramaglia; Editing: Giorgia Villa; Music: Luca Giovanardi; Sound: Marco Furlani; Leading actors: Andrea Bruschi, Manuela Pimentel; Producer: Lorenzo Vignolo
Synopsis: "Kino" tells a love story between a man that works as an projectionist and a woman that goes to that cinema. Playing with the many realitys that exists: the movies, real life and memory, their relashionship makes think how much the things that we live are true or just our imagination.