1000 movies were submitted for the 11th edition of TIFF
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Dear friends, at the aftermath of the submition phase, more than 1000 movies were submitted for the 11th edition of TIFF through the online platform of the Festival, through the platform festhome and through public and private film agencies that do cooperate annually with us, adding to that films selected by TIFF selectors in other international film festivals. These films come from 85 countries of the world:
1. Afghanistan
2. Albania
3. Algeria
4. Argentina
5. Armenia
6. Australia
7. Austria
8. Azerbaijan
9. Bangladesh
10. Barbados
11. Belgium
12. Belorussia
13. Bosnia-Herzegovina
14. Botswana
15. Brazil
16. Bulgaria
17. Burkina Faso
18. Canada
19. Cape Verde
20. Chile
21. China
22. Colombia
23. Croatia
24. Czech Republic
25. Denmark
26. Deutschland
27. Egypt
28. England
29. Estonia
30. Finland
31. France
32. Georgia
33. Greece
34. Hong Kong
35. Hungary
36. Iceland
37. India
38. Indonesia
39. Iran
40. Iraq
41. Ireland
42. Israel
43. Italy
44. Japan
45. Jordan
46. Kosova
47. Lebanon
48. Lesotho
49. Lithuania
50. Luxemburg
51. Macedonia
52. Malta
53. Mexico
54. Monaco
55. Montenegro
56. Morocco
57. Mozambique
58. Nepal
59. Netherlands
60. Norway
61. Palestine
62. Panama
63. Peru
64. Philippines
65. Poland
66. Portugal
67. Romania
68. Russia
69. Schweiz
70. Scotland
71. Serbia
72. Singapore
73. Slovakia
74. Slovenia
75. South Korea
76. Spain
77. Sweden
78. Syria
79. Taiwan
80. Thailand
81. Turkey
82. Ukraine
83. United Arab Emirates
84. USA
85. Vietnam

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