FEATURE FILMS (Official selection) | ||||
Feature Movies 1. Vladimir Blazevski / Punk's not dead / Macedonia / Documentary / 16mm Super / Colour / 104 2. Gemma Atwal / Marathon boy / UK&India / Fiction / HD / Colour / 98 3. Tom Waller / Mindfulness and murder / Thailand / Fiction / HD / Colour / 90 4. Jose Enrique March / The artifice / Spain / Fiction / Red / Colour / 88 5. Taha Karimi / The qandil mountains / Iraq / Documentary / HD / Colour / 86 6. Fabrizio Cattani / Maternity Blues / Italy / Fiction / Red Colour / 93 7. Nejc Gazvoda / A trip / Slovenia / Fiction / HDV / Colour / 85 8. Adam Uryniak / The vanishing / Poland / Documentary / HD / Colour / 71 9. Beryl Koltz / Hot Hot Hot / Luxembourg / 93’/ Fiction/ Colour