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Is a film director, screenwriter and photog-rapher from Istanbul.She is a Berlinale Tal-ents alumna. She began her career as an assistant director, worked in many national and international productions including two feature films of well-known Turkish director Reha Erdem:‘My Only Sunshine’ and

‘Kosmos’. She directed short films, com-mercials and music videos. Her short films ‘Confrontation’ and ‘A Sunny Day’have been selected by several important inter-national film festivals (including Munich, LUCAS Frankfurt, Brussels, Los Angeles, !f İstanbul, Ankara, Adana Golden Boll) and awarded prizes. Shegot selected to the ‘Berlinale Talents Script Station’, ‘First Films First, Goethe-Institut Young Directors ́ Academy South-Eastern Europe’ and won Meetings on the Bridge Development Grant from Istanbul International Film Festival with her 1st feature film project ‘Snow and the Bear’.


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