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After studying literature, art history and philosophy, Federico Rossin works as film historian, film critic, lecturer and professor. He conducts his research in the field of experimental, documentary and animation cinema. Since 2007 he has worked as an independent curator for many european festivals (États généraux du film docu- mentaire de Lussas, Cinéma du Réel, Do- cLisboa, Filmmaker in Milan, Images and Views of Alternative Cinema in Cyprus, etc) and cinematheques (Film Museum of Vi- enna, Cinémathèque Française, Cineteca Italiana, etc.). He also works in education networks (in France with People and Cul- ture), foundations (Fondazione Feltrinelli

in Italy) and in universities (Créadoc d’An- goulême, École documentaire de Lussas, SoundImageCulture of Bruxelles, École nationale supérieure d’art de Limoges). He has edited two books and he has written many essays for books, newspapers and film magazines.


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