Script Development Workshop & Pitching Competition In collaboration with Torino Film Lab
TIFForum Selected Projects-
After the Winter
Producer: Ivan Djurovic
Writer/Director: Ivan Bakrac
Albanian Romance
Producer: Saimir Bajo
Writers: Kateřina Bajo & Saimir Bajo
Director: Saimir Bajo
Producer: MInos Nikolakakis
Writers: Minos Nikolakakis & John de Holland
Director: Minos Nikolakakis
Haunted by City Lights
Producer: Giannis Sotiropoulos
Writers: Stratis Chatzielenoudas, Syni Pappa
Director: Stratis Chatzielenoudas
Mountain Eyes
Producer: Tatjana Zezelj Gojkovic
Writer: Pavle Vuckovic
Director: Pavle Vuckovic
Stars Go Blind
Producer: Iris Elezi
Writers: Iris Elezi & Thomas Logoreci
Directors: Iris Elezi & Thomas Logoreci
Still Life
Producer: Ognen Antov
Writer: Vladimir Mitrevski
Director: Vladimir Mitrevski
Stuffed Life
Producer: Irina Lazarova
Writer: Tamara Kotevska
Director: Tamara Kotevska
TIFForum will be a 3-day intensive workshop for the script development of 8 first or second feature film projects, consisting of individual consultations, practical writing exercises, and lectures.
It will be a crash course in collaboration between trainers & participants. The process will be intensive and demanding for all involved. It aims to be a unique, high value professional experience for the participating filmmakers.
During the 3 days of the workshop, each of the 2 trainers in script development will guide, and collaborate with, a group of 4 projects/filmmakers, forming a sort of creative family. Trainers and trainees will be working together in planned meetings (individual and group ones), but they will also be expected to be constantly “on call”, available to offer feedback to each other, each single day, from breakfast through dinner, through a series of additional, unexpected meetings moderated by the trainer/group leader, depending on the specific needs of each script of the group, at any given time.
Participants will be expected to live up to the challenge of engaging in a professional dialogue with experienced trainers as per the needs of their particular stories. They will be required to make the most out of the feedback they will receive. Produce results. Discover the originality in their projects as well as a strategy to build upon it, and fully develop their stories’ dramatic potential.
Coinciding with the Tirana International Film Festival 2016, the workshop will also produce training and networking synergies.
Best Pitch Award
After 3-day script development, the projects will work on their pitch with a trainer in the following 2 days. On the last day every participant will pitch his project and compete for the Best Pitch Award.
Target group
Only the following countries will be accepted: Albania, Kosovo, FYROM Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Romania and Croatia.
Profile of participants: film professionals with at least some experience (have written/directed at least 1 feature film, or 2 short films).
Profile of projects: fiction feature film all genres; ideally the projects should already be on a professional development track (a producer/production company attached, and/or some financing for development/production available).
Script stage of projects: at least a developed treatment (5 - 12 pages); ideally a first/subsequent draft.
Please send us a full pack of application to
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consisting of:
Application form (to be completed on the website)
Synospsis (1-2 pages)
Treatment (5-12)
Previous work of director
All materials should be submitted in English.
The chosen participants will be notified by the end of September.
The program is free of charge for the selected participants. TIFF also provides participation in, accommodation, board and the festival badges that allow free access to all the festivals’ screenings and events during the workshops.
In case of realization of the project developed within the framework of the Workshop, the Participant undertakes to add the following sentence to the final credits of the feature film: “Developed within the TIFForum – Tirana International Film Festival“ along with the logo of the TIFForum.
We are happy to announce the winner of TIFForum Best Pitch Award that goes to the project Mountains Eyes by Pavle Vuckovic.
The cash award of EUR 1,000 is provided by @FlyErnest.
Thank you all for making this 1st edition possible.