See you in the Morning | |
See you in the Morning Shihemi në mëngjes
As I was making a documentary for my husband’s bakery in Athens, where I had worked as a saler for 6 years I understood the following thing. The communication and the good relationship between our customers and us is what makes the owners of a small enterprise like our bakery to forget the stress and tiredness. It is what gives us the impulse to go on our hard work during the day and night
Duke realizuar një dokumentar për dyqanin (furrë buke) të tim shoqi, në Athinë ku unë kisha punuar rreth 6 vjet si shitëse, kuptova se marrëdhëniet e bukura njerëzore lidhjet e përditshme mes tyre, në këto bisnese të vegjël janë ato që bëjnë të harrosh lodhjen dhe stërmundimin e ditë-netëve.
2014| Greece, Albania | 15’ |