Noemi Schory | |
Independent producer and director since 1988, focusing on documentaries among them many international co - productions. Produced among others "A Film Unfinished" directed by Yael Hersonski, won first prize at Hotdocs, editing prize at Sundance, script award at Silverdocs; ''God Forbid' a feature length documentary on the ultraorthodox society; 'The Inner Tour', an award winning feature doc screened at Sundance, the MOMA, Berlinale etc.; "Israel's Generals", a five part series on Israeli leadership; 5 films for the documentary series “Tkuma” on the 50th anniversary of the State of Israel. Directed among others “ Born in Berlin- Cordelia, Angelika and Inge”, "Brueckenschlag" on the beginnings of Israeli-German relations after WWII; "Es began in der Wueste" for ZDF, an Israeli point of view on Germany in 1995; 100 short films for the New Historic Museum of Yad Vashem (2005) , 12 short films which comprise the Hall of Human Spirit at the permanent exhibit in Block 27, Auschwitz ( 2013). Served on numerous juries among others at the Docaviv (2015),Jerusalem Film Festival(2014) , Baden Baden drama competition(2012). Conducted workshops and participated in WIP at Goa, Tbilisi, Tel Aviv. Served on the International board of Input and was the Intl. president 2005-2010, screening conference for innovative public service programs. Teaches since 2000 at the Film Department of the Tel Aviv University, creative production and media landscape. In fall 2013 visiting scholar at the University of Minnesota (3rd generation ,German and Israeli documentaries dealing with the Holocaust). 2007-2015 was head of the Film Department at the Faculty of Arts – Midrasha, Beit Berl College.