JOS STELLING Triptych - belong to the collection of 30 Erotic Tales produced by Berlin-based Regina Ziegler
Frame by The Gallery
Jos Stelling (1954) made his debut as a director with Mariken van Nieumeghen in 1974. The film was selected for Cannes in 1975. Since then he has been writing and directing eight feature films. For his short film The Waiting Room (1996) Stelling was awarded a Golden Rose (Press Award) in Montreux, a Golden Gryphon in St. Petersburg as well as his fourth Gouden Kalf (GoldenCalf, the Dutch film award).
Frame by The Gas Station 
Interview: Ron Holloway, producer
- What do you think about the International Film Festival that is taking place in Tirana? - I am here since two days, but I see that a great job has been done. A film festival is composed of four elements. The first is the projection, which influences substantially the way how the film is viewed and I would say that a good result has been achieved in this direction. The second element is the catalogue and the Web page which make a calling card for the festival and offers the opportunity to be made known in the world. In this sense, I think that T.I.F.F. page in Internet is among the most beautiful and interesting I have seen. Another element is the print traffic, meaning the transport of films, given that the festival includes films from 30 world countries. The fourth element is the financial aspect. - What is your opinion on the selection of the films? - I like the selection of films very much. I would also like to say that their projection is very good. I find interesting the idea that films are screened in a combined way and not divided into separate categories in separate days. I would also call significant that these productions belong to the most recent period, 2002-2003. On the other hand, it is interesting that the competition includes short films and as such they offer the chance to make comments. - What do you think about Albanian films competing in the festival? - I can say they are of high quality. Some of them, in particular, are impressive. You should propagate the Albanian cinematography in the world. I know that during the past years many films have been produced here in Albania. You should compile a catalogue including all these films and it should be sent to other countries of the world. At least 800 film festivals are held around the world actually and this offers the opportunity to do such a thing. - You have come to present a film out of the competition, entitled “Triptique”, of the director Jos Stelling. Whan can you tell about it? - It is a trilogy including three short films, including “The Waiting Room”, “The Gallery” and “The Gas Station”. It is the first time that these three short films are presented together in a feature film. I don’t know if it is going to function, but I hope it is like this.