Festivali 2009

Ken Loach has been invited in the third edition of TIFF to present his film Tickets, conducted together with the directors Ermano Olmi and Abbas Kierostami.

Loach’s movie it was screened during the opening day of the Festival, the 5th December 2005.
Three different directors, Ermanno Olmi, Abbas Kiarostami and Ken Loach are telling at “Tickets” three separate stories. The part directed by Loach follows a group of Rangers fans aboard a train to Rome to watch a European cup final that meet a poor Albanian family of refugees. The three Scottish youths on their way to the football match of their dreams are forced to open their eyes and see the bigger picture.
One single train journey sparks many changes for many people. This is a film about privilege and exclusion, and the reality of the value of just a ticket.
Ken Loach is one of the greatest living British film-makers. Born in Nuneaton, United Kingdom in 1936, Ken Loach has firmly entrenched his reputation as England’s pre-eminent director of social realism cinema with such classics as Kes (1968), My Name Is Joe(1999) and AE Fond Kiss(2004).


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