Happily ever after

Director:  Tatjana Bozic

Englisht title:  Happily ever after

2014/ Netherlands/ Digital/ 83’/ Colour



In a last desperate attempt to save the relationship with the man of her life, filmmaker Tatjana Božić dives into her past and makes a kaleidoscopic journey past her ex-men in order to find out what is wrong with her. Happily Ever After is a merciless, emotional and at the same time humorous and self ironic portrait of the filmmaker’s love life and a portrait of love relationships in the era of ‘global confusion’.


Script:  Alexander Goekjian , Tatjana Bozic; Photography: Ton Peters; Editing: Boudewijn Koole, Tatjana Bozic, Rogier Kappers; Music: Alex Simu; Producer: Boudewijn Koole, Iris Lammerstma, Nenad Puhovski, Lidija Zelovic


My first ‘five year plan’ ended successfully with a magna cum laude at Lomonosov University, faculty of TV-Journalism (1988-1993), which I chose wanting to be a part of the crazy changes. I then attended Moscow Film school, documentary film department (1993-1996), where I sat in the smoky little cinema where Tarkovski once showed the forbidden classics. I dreamed to become a filmmaker like my teacher Artavazd Peleshian, master of associative storytelling. So I made Fraus (1995, 16mm, 8’) a passionate and associative story of a woman falling in love. My diploma film Provincial Girl (1996, 35mm, 30’, co-directed with Frank Muller, Studio Risk) is an intimate portrait of young provincial women, coming to Moscow to find their happiness. It won the ‘Grand Prix’ for the best Russian documentary of 1996 at the Russian Documentary Film Festival in Ekaterinburg. The film was widely shown on international festivals, including Sheffield and Edinburgh, numerous festivals in Germany, Croatia and Russia and was worldwide distributed by Jane Balfour films ltd. After my studies, I worked as a director on various advertising projects in both Moscow and London. I moved to London in 1996 and there I studied Human Rights at London School of Economics, worked as a freelance journalist for Russian television and as an assistant director on a BBC documentary Last Plant Standing, (1997, beta, 75’ Acacia Productions for BBC) a historical film on geneticist Nikolai Vavilov. In 1998, Sundance Documentary Fund funded the development for my film project ‘My Home Town’, and I moved to Croatia. For the next 9 years I lived in Zagreb, where I directed more than 20 short documentary films, mainly shown (and sometimes forbidden) on national television. Recurring themes in my work were democratisation and civil society issues in post war Croatia, like in Just About Oasis (1999, 16mm, 20’, Factum), a warm story of people of different nationalities living in one house on Istrian coast, shown on Mad Cat Women Int'l FF, Trieste International Film Festival - Alpe Adria Cinema 2000. Dear Suzy (2002, 40’, Fade In), What is a woman? A documentary about my and my friend Suzy’s becoming a woman.  In 2014 my feature length documentary Happily Ever After (2014, 82’ JvdW Film/IKON/Factum/Zelovic productions) had World premiere and was nominated for Hivos (main) Tiger Awards Competition at International Film Festival Rotterdam. On Sarajevo Film Festival and on Let’s CEE film festival in Vienna 2014 film was awarded a Special Jury mention. On Liburnia Film Festival it was awarded for the best editing and best directing.



Sarajevo, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Special Jury prize; Let's CEE Film Festival, Special Jury prize; Netherlands Film Festival, Gouden Kalf - best edited Dutch film of 2014 and a nomination Gouden Kalf - best long documentary; Liburnia Film Festival, Best directing and Best editing


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