Artur Nura
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Artur  Nura is a free journalist and with extended experience in print media, in radio and television,  not only in Albanian language, but also in English and Italian. He is the founder and editor of the telematic magazine "Approach", a socio-political and cultural digital outlet following the model of internet-based participatory journalism, including all citizens.

Until the advent of pluralism in Albania, he started by writing and publishing poems and stories for magazines and newspapers of the time, respectively “The Pioneer magazine and “”The Voice of Youth” daily paper. With the advent of democracy in Albania, he was involved with "Radio Radicale" in Italy, where on its account, whith different frequencies, he has covered the Balkans Albanian territories until today.

An important journalistic experience in English for Mr. Nura has been the cooperation with "Central Europe Review" for a period of four years (2000 - 2004), again covering political and cultural developments in Albanian territories in the Balkans. The year 2004 coincides with the time when this electronic newsletter in English that covered all the former communist countries was acquired by the "Transition On Line".

Mr. Nura’s experience with the Albanian print media has been constant with provision of weekly editorials and columns in various country’s newspapers, such as “Albania”, “The Republic”, “The Standard” and others. He has had an important experience with conducting broadcast in the radio entitled "The Seasons".

During  the years 2000-2004, Artur Nura has been editor in chief of “Gjeli Vision”, an important local television channel of the time, based in Tirana”, where besides organizing the editorial staff and work, he organized and conducted two TV programs with audience, "Our Survey" and "The Objective". Both these programs were designed by him and their format was copied by others in other TV channels. He himself has remained loyal to his formats in all his other television experiences.

From 2011 until 2013, Mr. Nura was editor in chief of "NTV"(Tomorrow’s Television), another important private TV channel Tirana based, where in addition to organizing and managing the editorial staff work, he realized, respecting the same model as in "Gjeli Vision”, the broadcast "Forum-Polls" and "Approach". From 2013 until August 2015, Artur Nura has cooperated with the "A1 Report" TV Channel, a channel ranked among the five most seen channels in Albania, where he generated and conducted two broadcast following the same model, "The Press and You" and "Tęte ŕ Tęte".


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