From anger | |
Director: Margo Fruitier Englisht title: From anger Original title: De la rage 2013/ Belgium/ HD/ 22’/ Fiction/ Color
Synopsis They didn't want to believe her. There came the rage. And from rage, the need for all truths to be told...
Filmography Margo Fruitier was born in 1990, in Amiens, Picardy (France). In 2009, she moves to Belgium and starts to study film directing at the Institute of Media Arts (IAD). 2012 marked the completion of Gabrielle, her first short fiction film, which was awarded several times in Belgian and French festivals. In early 2014, she shoots her graduation film, From Anger, which is currently starting its festival life.
Script: Margo Fruitier; Photography: Magali Hervieu; Editing: Valentin Perruffel; Music: Matthieu Ha; Sound: Vivian Allard , Luis Trinques; Leading actors: Louise Manteau, Roda Fawaz, Laititia Yalon; Producer: Benedicte Lescalier