Dog eat dog

Director: Patrice Deboosere

Englisht title:  Dog eat dog

Original title: La gagne

2013/ France/ HD/ 12’/ Fiction/ Color


Whether in business or in the street, competition is ruthless. And when a homeless man dashes to help a businessman, laws of the jungle and laws of the market can collide...



After studies of cinema and dramatic art, Patrice Deboosטre began making social documentaries and created Vidיorטme, a group of documentary filmmakers. In ten years, he realized five television documentaries, engaged socially and historically in his region, the North of France. At the same time, he creates and leads awareness courses to the image and filmmaking in different places like sensitive neighborhoods, prisons, high schools... In continuation of his militant work, he begins to make fiction. His films offer a tinted look of irony on reality, ranging between drama and social comedy. His three short films have received many selections in festivals and have been shown on television.


Script:   Leslie Coghe; Photography:  Nicolas Duchene; Editing: Jean Thome; Music: Tim Fromont; Sound:  Fabien Luth; Leading actors: Simon Ferrante, Olivier Benard, Karim Rouaba, Tim Fromont; Producer: Pierre Antoine Carpentier


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