Silent champions

Director: Lulzim Sula

Englisht title: Silent champions

Original title: Kampionët e heshtur

2013/ Albania/ HD/ 17’/ Documentary/ Colour


A very interesting comparison can be drawn between pigeons and humans with regards to the concept of family, in fact, similarities are noted between the two when we take a closer look at why 2000 pigeons fly from Rijeka, Croatia, towards Albania. The motives for their return to their homes were 3: 1. they had to feed their newborns; 2. they had left their partner alone; 3. they had to keep their eggs warm. The documentary follows the lives of pigeons during an extended period of 4 months. The pigeons unite people. In this race we have participants from Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia- Herzegovina.



The director has recently graduated in Film Directing and TV from the University of Arts. Filmography: short feature film "Rruga," portrait "Une, deti dhe...", (won best portrait in the Albanian category at TIFF festival 2013), documentary "Kampioner e heshtur", middle length feature film "Ushtari me molle".


Script: Lulzim Sula;  Photography:   Naun Lasku; Editing:  Lulzim Sula; Music: Majlinda Bërxolli; Leading actors: Aktore jane njerezit e thjeshte te cilet kane nje lidhje te veçante me pellumbat; Producer: Lulzim Sula


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