Pillow Girl

Director: Ronnie Cramer

Englisht title: Pillow Girl

Original title:Pillow Girl

2014/ USA/ Digital Video/ 6’/ Experimental/ Colour


The visual portion of the piece uses covers of pulp novels and exploitation magazines with the illustrated figures coming to life and morphing into one another during the course of the presentation (each cover is visible in its original state for only 1/30th of a second). Over 200 covers are presented in this fashion. In addition to being a colorful and impressive visual display the images presented in Pillow Girl are a vivid and fascinating historical encapsulation of how women have been depicted in popular culture.



Artist / Musician / Filmmaker Ronnie Cramer has been active in the arts community for over thirty years. His paintings have been exhibited in galleries and other venues across the country his music has achieved airplay on over 150 radio stations nationwide and his critically-acclaimed films have been screened at festivals around the world. He has also been featured as a guest lecturer on art and media at numerous museums and universities.


Script: Ronnie Cramer; Photography: Ronnie Cramer;  Editing: Ronnie Cramer;Music: Ronnie Cramer;  Sound: Ronnie Cramer;  Producer: Ronnie Cramer


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