Swan | |
Director: Oleksandr Danylenko Englisht title: Swan Original title: Swan 2013/ Ukraine/ HD/ 4’/ Animation/ Colour
Synopsis Our souls are like swans. We have only one true love in life. But true love is stronger than time or distance. And sometimes even the border between the worlds cannot stand in its way.
Filmography Oleksandr Danylenko (1989 born) – Indie filmmaker from Ukraine who has individual style. Sashko mix folk and contemporary, nature and digital in his works. He creates magic worlds with colorful characters and extraordinary allegories. Films by Sashko Danylenko are popular in the web and take part in a lot of international film festivals. 2011 – Zishla zorya 2012 – Carpathian rap 2013 – Reggae 2014 - Swan
Music: Kwoon; Sound: Sandy Lavallart ; Producer: Kateryna Zabavko