Life is beautiful | |
Director: Ben Brand Englisht title: Life is beautiful Original title: Life is beautiful 2013/ Netheland/ Digital/ 8’37''/ Animation/ Colour
Synopsis Anton may be done with life but life ain't done with Anton.
Filmography In 2010 Ben Brand graduated as a director from the Dutch Film Academy in Amsterdam. With his graduation film 'Day by Day' he won the grand jury price for best short at the international Scottish Arts & Film festival in Edinburg. In addition his commercial for the Young Director Award festival in Cannes (2011) won the Golden Hammer in Latvia, the Silver Drum in Slovenia, a Cresta Award in New York, got nominated twice for the Cannes Lions and gained over 50 million views on worldwide. Besides doing commercials for production company CAVIAR Amsterdam and CHEZEDDY in Paris, Ben also made two shorts in 2013; 'Life is Beautiful' (3D animation) and ‘97%’ (Live action). These films have been shown at over 60 international film festivals and won numerous awards, including multiple audience awards in Paris, Germany and Holland and a best director award at the Cinefiesta filmfestival in Puerto Rico. 97% also got selected to represent the Netherlands in the Live action short film category at the Academy awards (2014). Currently Ben is writing his first feature film called ‘#Find that dumb little bitch and throw her into a river’ which he is developing at the Binger Writerslab.
Script: Ben Brand; Producer:Caviar Amsterdam